--- title: "Creating Questionnaire ADaMs" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Creating Questionnaire ADaMs} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r setup, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) library(admiraldev) ``` # Introduction This article describes creating questionnaire ADaMs. Although questionnaire data is collected in a single SDTM dataset (`QS`), usually it does not make sense to create a single `ADQS` dataset for all questionnaire analyses. For example, a univariate analysis of scores by visit requires different variables than a time-to-event analysis. Therefore this vignette does not provide a programming workflow for a complete dataset, but provides examples for deriving common types of questionnaire parameters. At the moment, `{admiral}` does not provide functions or metadata for specific questionnaires nor functionality for handling the vast amount of questionnaires and related parameters, e.g. a metadata structure for storing parameter definitions and functions for reading such metadata. We plan to provide it in future releases. **Note**: *All examples assume CDISC SDTM and/or ADaM format as input unless otherwise specified.* ## Required Packages The examples of this vignette require the following packages. ```{r, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE} library(dplyr) library(tidyr) library(tibble) library(admiral) ``` ## Example Data In this vignette we use the example data from the CDISC ADaM Supplements ([Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-Item Version 2 (GAD-7)](https://www.cdisc.org/standards/foundational/qrs/generalized-anxiety-disorder-7-item-version-2-0), [Geriatric Depression Scale Short Form (GDS-SF)](https://www.cdisc.org/standards/foundational/qrs/geriatric-depression-scale-short-form-0))[^1]: [^1]: The example `QS` data (`example_qs`) is included in the admiral package. ```{r} qs <- admiral::example_qs ``` ```{r echo=FALSE} dataset_vignette(qs) ``` ```{r} adsl <- tribble( ~STUDYID, ~USUBJID, ~SITEID, ~ITTFL, ~TRTSDT, ~DTHCAUS, "STUDYX", "P0001", 13L, "Y", lubridate::ymd("2012-11-16"), NA_character_, "STUDYX", "P0002", 11L, "Y", lubridate::ymd("2012-11-16"), "PROGRESSIVE DISEASE" ) ``` ```{r echo=FALSE} dataset_vignette(adsl) ``` # Original Items The original items, i.e. the answers to the questionnaire questions, can be handled in the same way as in a [BDS finding ADaM](bds_finding.html). For example: ```{r eval=TRUE} adqs <- qs %>% # Add ADSL variables derive_vars_merged( dataset_add = adsl, new_vars = exprs(TRTSDT, DTHCAUS), by_vars = exprs(STUDYID, USUBJID) ) %>% # Add analysis parameter variables mutate( PARAMCD = QSTESTCD, PARAM = QSTEST, PARCAT1 = QSCAT, AVALC = QSORRES, AVAL = QSSTRESN ) %>% # Add timing variables derive_vars_dt(new_vars_prefix = "A", dtc = QSDTC) %>% derive_vars_dy(reference_date = TRTSDT, source_vars = exprs(ADT)) %>% mutate( AVISIT = if_else(ADT <= TRTSDT, "BASELINE", VISIT), AVISITN = if_else(ADT <= TRTSDT, 0, VISITNUM) ) ``` ```{r echo=FALSE} dataset_vignette( arrange(adqs, USUBJID, PARCAT1, ADY, PARAMCD), display_vars = exprs(USUBJID, PARAMCD, PARAM, PARCAT1, AVALC, AVAL, ADY, AVISIT) ) ``` We handle unscheduled visits as normal visits. For deriving visits based on time-windows, see [Visit and Period Variables](visits_periods.html#visits). And for flagging values to be used for analysis, see `derive_var_extreme_flag()`. # Transformed Items Please note that in the example data, the numeric values of the answers are mapped in SDTM (`QSSTRESN`) such that they can be used for deriving scores. Depending on the question, `QSORRES == "YES"` is mapped to `QSSTRESN = 0` or `QSSTRESN = 1`. If the `QSSTRESN` values are not ready to be used for deriving scores and require transformation, it is recommended that `QSSTRESN` is kept in the ADaM dataset for traceability, and the transformed value is stored in `AVAL`, since that's what will be used for the score calculation. It may also be necessary to transform the range of the numeric values of the original items. For example if a scale should be derived as the average but the range of the contributing items varies. In this case the values could be linearly transformed to a unified range like `[0, 100]`. The computation function `transform_range()` can be used for the transformation. # Scales and Scores Scales and Scores are often derived as the sum or the average across a subset of the items. For the GAD-7 questionnaire, the total score is derived as the sum. The `derive_summary_records()` function with `sum()` can be used to derive it as a new parameter. For selecting the parameters to be summarized, regular expressions like in the example below may be helpful. In the example we derive a separate ADaM dataset for each questionnaire. Depending on the analysis needs, it is also possible that an ADaM contains more than one questionnaire or all questionnaires. ```{r eval=TRUE} adgad7 <- adqs %>% # Select records to keep in the GAD-7 ADaM filter(PARCAT1 == "GAD-7 V2") %>% derive_summary_records( dataset = ., dataset_add = ., by_vars = exprs(STUDYID, USUBJID, AVISIT, ADT, ADY, TRTSDT, DTHCAUS), # Select records contributing to total score filter_add = str_detect(PARAMCD, "GAD020[1-7]"), set_values_to = exprs( AVAL = sum(AVAL, na.rm = TRUE), PARAMCD = "GAD02TS", PARAM = "GAD02-Total Score - Analysis" ) ) ``` ```{r echo=FALSE} dataset_vignette( arrange(adgad7, USUBJID, ADY, PARAMCD), display_vars = exprs(USUBJID, PARAMCD, PARAM, AVAL, ADY, AVISIT) ) ``` For the GDS-SF questionnaire, the total score is defined as the average of the item values transformed to the range [0, 15] and rounded up to the next integer. If more than five items are missing, the total score is considered as missing. This parameter can be derived by `compute_scale()` and `derive_summary_records()`: ```{r eval=TRUE} adgdssf <- adqs %>% # Select records to keep in the GDS-SF ADaM filter(PARCAT1 == "GDS SHORT FORM") %>% derive_summary_records( dataset = ., dataset_add = ., by_vars = exprs(STUDYID, USUBJID, AVISIT, ADT, ADY, TRTSDT, DTHCAUS), # Select records contributing to total score filter_add = str_detect(PARAMCD, "GDS02[01][0-9]"), set_values_to = exprs( AVAL = compute_scale( AVAL, source_range = c(0, 1), target_range = c(0, 15), min_n = 10 ) %>% ceiling(), PARAMCD = "GDS02TS", PARAM = "GDS02- Total Score - Analysis" ) ) ``` ```{r echo=FALSE} dataset_vignette( arrange(adgdssf, USUBJID, ADY, PARAMCD), display_vars = exprs(USUBJID, PARAMCD, PARAM, AVAL, ADY, AVISIT) ) ``` After deriving the scores by visit, the baseline and change from baseline variables can be derived: ```{r eval=TRUE} adgdssf <- adgdssf %>% # Flag baseline records (last before treatement start) restrict_derivation( derivation = derive_var_extreme_flag, args = params( by_vars = exprs(STUDYID, USUBJID, PARAMCD), order = exprs(ADT), new_var = ABLFL, mode = "last" ), filter = !is.na(AVAL) & ADT <= TRTSDT ) %>% # Derive baseline and change from baseline variables derive_var_base( by_vars = exprs(STUDYID, USUBJID, PARAMCD), source_var = AVAL, new_var = BASE ) %>% # Calculate CHG for post-baseline records # The decision on how to populate pre-baseline and baseline values of CHG is left to producer choice restrict_derivation( derivation = derive_var_chg, filter = AVISITN > 0 ) %>% # Calculate PCHG for post-baseline records # The decision on how to populate pre-baseline and baseline values of PCHG is left to producer choice restrict_derivation( derivation = derive_var_pchg, filter = AVISITN > 0 ) %>% # Derive sequence number derive_var_obs_number( by_vars = exprs(STUDYID, USUBJID), order = exprs(PARAMCD, ADT), check_type = "error" ) ``` ```{r echo=FALSE} dataset_vignette( adgdssf, display_vars = exprs(USUBJID, PARAMCD, PARAM, AVISIT, AVAL, BASE, CHG, PCHG) ) ``` # Time to Deterioration/Improvement {#timetodeterioration} As time to event parameters require specific variables like `CNSR`, `STARTDT`, and `EVNTDESC`, it makes sense to create a separate time to event dataset for them. However, it might be useful to create flags or categorization variables in `ADQS`. For example: ```{r} # Create AVALCATx lookup table avalcat_lookup <- exprs( ~PARAMCD, ~condition, ~AVALCAT1, ~AVALCAT1N, "GDS02TS", AVAL <= 5, "Normal", 0L, "GDS02TS", AVAL <= 10 & AVAL > 5, "Possible Depression", 1L, "GDS02TS", AVAL > 10, "Likely Depression", 2L ) # Create CHGCAT1 lookup table chgcat_lookup <- exprs( ~condition, ~CHGCAT1, AVALCAT1N > BASECA1N, "WORSENED", AVALCAT1N == BASECA1N, "NO CHANGE", AVALCAT1N < BASECA1N, "IMPROVED" ) adgdssf <- adgdssf %>% derive_vars_cat( definition = avalcat_lookup, by_vars = exprs(PARAMCD) ) %>% derive_var_base( by_vars = exprs(STUDYID, USUBJID, PARAMCD), source_var = AVALCAT1, new_var = BASECAT1 ) %>% derive_var_base( by_vars = exprs(STUDYID, USUBJID, PARAMCD), source_var = AVALCAT1N, new_var = BASECA1N ) %>% derive_vars_cat( definition = chgcat_lookup ) ``` ```{r echo=FALSE} dataset_vignette( arrange(adgdssf, USUBJID, desc(PARAMCD), ADY), display_vars = exprs(USUBJID, PARAMCD, PARAM, AVISIT, AVAL, AVALCAT1, CHGCAT1) ) ``` Then a time to deterioration parameter can be derived by: ```{r} # Define event deterioration_event <- event_source( dataset_name = "adqs", filter = PARAMCD == "GDS02TS" & CHGCAT1 == "WORSENED", date = ADT, set_values_to = exprs( EVNTDESC = "DEPRESSION WORSENED", SRCDOM = "ADQS", SRCVAR = "ADT", SRCSEQ = ASEQ ) ) # Define censoring at last assessment last_valid_assessment <- censor_source( dataset_name = "adqs", filter = PARAMCD == "GDS02TS" & !is.na(CHGCAT1), date = ADT, set_values_to = exprs( EVNTDESC = "LAST ASSESSMENT", SRCDOM = "ADQS", SRCVAR = "ADT", SRCSEQ = ASEQ ) ) # Define censoring at treatment start (for subjects without assessment) start <- censor_source( dataset_name = "adsl", date = TRTSDT, set_values_to = exprs( EVNTDESC = "TREATMENT START", SRCDOM = "ADSL", SRCVAR = "TRTSDT" ) ) adgdstte <- derive_param_tte( dataset_adsl = adsl, source_datasets = list(adsl = adsl, adqs = adgdssf), start_date = TRTSDT, event_conditions = list(deterioration_event), censor_conditions = list(last_valid_assessment, start), set_values_to = exprs( PARAMCD = "TTDEPR", PARAM = "Time to depression" ) ) %>% derive_vars_duration( new_var = AVAL, start_date = STARTDT, end_date = ADT ) ``` ```{r echo=FALSE} dataset_vignette( adgdstte, display_vars = exprs(USUBJID, PARAMCD, PARAM, AVAL, CNSR, EVNTDESC, SRCDOM, SRCVAR) ) ``` # Time to Confirmed/Definitive Deterioration/Improvement The derivation of confirmed/definitive deterioration/improvement parameters is very similar to the unconfirmed deterioration parameters except that the event is not based on `CHGCATy`, but on a confirmation flag variable. This confirmation flag can be derived by `derive_var_joined_exist_flag()`. For example, flagging deteriorations, which are confirmed by a second assessment at least seven days later: ```{r} adgdssf <- adgdssf %>% derive_var_joined_exist_flag( dataset_add = adgdssf, by_vars = exprs(USUBJID, PARAMCD), order = exprs(ADT), new_var = CDETFL, join_vars = exprs(CHGCAT1, ADY), join_type = "after", filter_join = CHGCAT1 == "WORSENED" & CHGCAT1.join == "WORSENED" & ADY.join >= ADY + 7 ) ``` ```{r echo=FALSE} dataset_vignette( arrange(adgdssf, USUBJID, desc(PARAMCD), ADY), display_vars = exprs(USUBJID, PARAMCD, PARAM, ADY, CHGCAT1, CDETFL) ) ``` For flagging deteriorations at two consecutive assessments or considering death due to progression at the last assessment as confirmation, the `tmp_obs_nr_var` argument is helpful: ```{r} # Flagging deterioration at two consecutive assessments adgdssf <- adgdssf %>% derive_var_joined_exist_flag( dataset_add = adgdssf, by_vars = exprs(USUBJID, PARAMCD), order = exprs(ADT), new_var = CONDETFL, join_vars = exprs(CHGCAT1), join_type = "after", tmp_obs_nr_var = tmp_obs_nr, filter_join = CHGCAT1 == "WORSENED" & CHGCAT1.join == "WORSENED" & tmp_obs_nr.join == tmp_obs_nr + 1 ) %>% # Flagging deterioration confirmed by # - a second deterioration at least 7 days later or # - deterioration at the last assessment and death due to progression derive_var_joined_exist_flag( ., dataset_add = ., by_vars = exprs(USUBJID, PARAMCD), order = exprs(ADT), new_var = CDTDTHFL, join_vars = exprs(CHGCAT1, ADY), join_type = "all", tmp_obs_nr_var = tmp_obs_nr, filter_join = CHGCAT1 == "WORSENED" & ( CHGCAT1.join == "WORSENED" & ADY.join >= ADY + 7 | tmp_obs_nr == max(tmp_obs_nr.join) & DTHCAUS == "PROGRESSIVE DISEASE") ) ``` ```{r echo=FALSE} dataset_vignette( arrange(adgdssf, USUBJID, desc(PARAMCD), ADY), display_vars = exprs(USUBJID, PARAMCD, PARAM, ADY, CHGCAT1, CONDETFL, CDTDTHFL) ) ``` For definitive deterioration (deterioration at all following assessments), parameter summary functions like `all()` can be used in the filter condition: ```{r} adgdssf <- adgdssf %>% derive_var_joined_exist_flag( dataset_add = adgdssf, by_vars = exprs(USUBJID, PARAMCD), order = exprs(ADT), new_var = DEFDETFL, join_vars = exprs(CHGCAT1), join_type = "after", filter_join = CHGCAT1 == "WORSENED" & all(CHGCAT1.join == "WORSENED") ) ``` ```{r echo=FALSE} dataset_vignette( arrange(adgdssf, USUBJID, desc(PARAMCD), ADY), display_vars = exprs(USUBJID, PARAMCD, PARAM, ADY, CHGCAT1, DEFDETFL) ) ``` The time-to-event parameter can be derived in the same way as for the unconfirmed parameters (see [Time to Deterioration/Improvement](#timetodeterioration)). # Worst/Best Answer This class of parameters can be used when the worst answer of a set of yes/no answers should be selected. For example, if yes/no answers for "No sleep", "Waking up more than three times", "More than 30 minutes to fall asleep" are collected, a parameter for the worst sleeping problems could be derived. In the example, "no sleeping problems" is assumed if all questions were answered with "no". ```{r} adsp <- adqs %>% filter(PARCAT1 == "SLEEPING PROBLEMS") %>% derive_extreme_event( by_vars = exprs(USUBJID, AVISIT), tmp_event_nr_var = event_nr, order = exprs(event_nr, ADY, QSSEQ), mode = "first", events = list( event( condition = PARAMCD == "SP0101" & AVALC == "YES", set_values_to = exprs( AVALC = "No sleep", AVAL = 1 ) ), event( condition = PARAMCD == "SP0102" & AVALC == "YES", set_values_to = exprs( AVALC = "Waking up more than three times", AVAL = 2 ) ), event( condition = PARAMCD == "SP0103" & AVALC == "YES", set_values_to = exprs( AVALC = "More than 30 mins to fall asleep", AVAL = 3 ) ), event( condition = all(AVALC == "NO"), set_values_to = exprs( AVALC = "No sleeping problems", AVAL = 4 ) ), event( condition = TRUE, set_values_to = exprs( AVALC = "Missing", AVAL = 99 ) ) ), set_values_to = exprs( PARAMCD = "SP01WSP", PARAM = "Worst Sleeping Problems" ) ) ``` ```{r echo=FALSE} dataset_vignette( arrange(adsp, USUBJID, ADY, PARAMCD), display_vars = exprs(USUBJID, PARAMCD, PARAM, AVISIT, AVALC) ) ``` # Completion Parameters for completion, like "at least 90% of the questions were answered", can be derived by `derive_summary_records()`. ```{r} adgdssf <- adgdssf %>% derive_summary_records( dataset_add = adgdssf, filter_add = str_detect(PARAMCD, "GDS02[01][0-9]"), by_vars = exprs(USUBJID, AVISIT), set_values_to = exprs( AVAL = sum(!is.na(AVAL)) / 15 >= 0.9, PARAMCD = "COMPL90P", PARAM = "Completed at least 90% of questions?", AVALC = if_else(AVAL == 1, "YES", "NO") ) ) ``` ```{r echo=FALSE} dataset_vignette( arrange(adgdssf, USUBJID, PARAMCD, ADY), display_vars = exprs(USUBJID, PARAMCD, PARAM, AVISIT, AVALC) ) ``` Please note that the denominator may depend on the answers of some of the questions. For example, a given questionnaire might direct someone to go from question #4 directly to question #8 based on their response to question #4, because questions #5, #6 and #7 would not apply in that case. If missed visits need to be taken into account, the expected records can be added to the input dataset by calling `derive_expected_records()`: ```{r} # Create dataset with expected visits and parameters (GDS0201 - GDS0215) parm_visit_ref <- crossing( tribble( ~AVISIT, ~AVISITN, "BASELINE", 0, "VISIT 2", 2, "VISIT 3", 3, "VISIT 4", 4, "VISIT 5", 5 ), tibble(PARAMCD = sprintf("GDS02%02d", seq(1, 15))) ) adgdssf <- adgdssf %>% derive_expected_records( dataset_ref = parm_visit_ref, by_vars = exprs(USUBJID), set_values_to = exprs( filled_in = 1 ) ) %>% derive_summary_records( dataset = ., dataset_add = ., filter_add = str_detect(PARAMCD, "GDS02[01][0-9]"), by_vars = exprs(USUBJID, AVISIT), set_values_to = exprs( AVAL = all(!is.na(AVAL)), PARAMCD = "COMPLALL", PARAM = "Completed all questions?", AVALC = if_else(AVAL == 1, "YES", "NO") ) ) %>% filter(is.na(filled_in)) %>% select(-filled_in) ``` ```{r echo=FALSE} dataset_vignette( arrange(adgdssf, USUBJID, PARAMCD, ADY), display_vars = exprs(USUBJID, PARAMCD, PARAM, AVISIT, AVALC) ) ```