--- title: "SoilManageR" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{SoilManageR} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ``` ## Introduction This R package is a compilation of functions to calculate numerical agricultural soil management indicators from on a management timeline of an arable field. The functions can also be used independently of the management timeline to calculate some indicators or parts thereof. Throughout the package, many assumptions were made (e.g. on time to crop establishment). These assumptions are, whenever possible, based on the literature that is cited within the function descriptions. The assumptions are considered to be representative for temperate agroecosystems, for example the Swiss midlands. ![Fig. 1: Contents of the SoilManager package](SoilManager_graphic.png){width="700"} SoilManageR organizes management data in management data frames `management_df()`, from this the indicators can then be calculated. For the calculations there are main functions and helper functions that are called by the main functions (Fig. 1). Both type of functions rely on reference data for their calculations. The package is distributed with some supporting documents. ## Suggested Workflow ### Load and check management data frame We suggest to start the workflow with importing a `management_df()` from a XLSX template. ```{r import data, eval=FALSE} library(SoilManageR) #define path to excel template in the SoilManageR package internal_path <- "/extdata/SoilManageR_mgmt_data_template_V2.5.xlsx" #create local path path_to_xlsx_template <- system.file(internal_path, package = "SoilManageR") #load management_df mgmt_data <- management_df_from_excel(path_to_xlsx_template) ``` Then the `management_df()` can be checked for internal consistency with the `check_management_df()` function. ```{r check data, eval=FALSE} #create management_df from example data (delivered with the package) mgmt_data <- EXAMPLE_data #check the consistency of the example data check_management_df(mgmt_data) ``` ### Calculate indicators When the `management_df()` shows no issues, then all indicators can be calcualted with `calculate_indicators()` ```{r calculate all indicators, eval=FALSE} calculate_indicators(mgmt_data) ``` Alternatively, the indicators could be calculated individually ```{r calculate some indicators, eval=FALSE} C_input(mgmt_data) tillage_intensity(mgmt_data) soil_cover(mgmt_data) plant_diversity(mgmt_data,2013,2023) ``` ### Access helper functions All helper functions can be called directly, please check the description of the functions for more information on them. ## Contact For further information on SoilManageR please contact [olivier.heller\@agroscope.admin.ch](mailto:olivier.heller@agroscope.admin.ch){.email}.