Dear Emacs, please make this -*-Text-*- mode! ************************************************** * * * 0.4 SERIES NEWS * * * ************************************************** CHANGES IN R VERSION 0.4.2 UPDATES o Brought the "NEWS" file up-to-date. CHANGES IN R VERSION 0.4.0 NEW FEATURES o Created and exported a function, "HCSP", that implements the combination of hierarchical clustering with Ward's linkage followed by SillyPutty, which turned out to be both the fastest and most accurate method in our simulations. CHANGES IN R VERSION 0.3.0 UPDATES o Expanded and improved man pags an vignettes. First version that passed "R CMD check" withut errors or warnings. CHANGES IN R VERSION 0.2.2 UPDATES o Added a "three dot" pass-through argument to `findLCusterNumber' to control the SillyPutty algorithm. CHANGES IN R VERSION 0.2.0 NEW FEATURES o Exported the 'showme''findClusterNumber' function. CHANGES IN R VERSION 0.1.1 NEW FEATURES o Exported the 'showme' routine. BUG FIXES o Removed hard-coded color scheme from "showme". o Added some "importFrom" directives. CHANGES IN R VERSION 0.1.0 NEW FEATURES o Initial version.