title: 'Mapping homologous gene symbols'
author: 'Mathew Chamberlain'
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
vignette: >
  %\VignetteIndexEntry{Mapping homologous gene symbols}

This vignette shows how to map homologous gene symbols from Macaca fascicularis to the human genome.

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
all_times <- list()  # store the time for each chunk
knitr::knit_hooks$set(time_it = local({
  now <- NULL
  function(before, options) {
    if (before) {
      now <<- Sys.time()
    } else {
      res <- difftime(Sys.time(), now, units = "secs")
      all_times[[options$label]] <<- res
  tidy = TRUE,
  tidy.opts = list(width.cutoff = 95),
  message = FALSE,
  warning = FALSE,
  time_it = TRUE
orthologs <- readRDS(file = "fls/orthologs.rds")

# Load the essential packages

```{r setup packages, eval = F}

After mapping the reads to the Macaca fasccicularis genome, we load the genes, which were generated from the output of the [cellranger pipeline](https://support.10xgenomics.com/single-cell-gene-expression/software/pipelines/latest/what-is-cell-ranger) from 10X Genomics.

# Load Macaca fascicularis genes

```{r load genes, echo = T, eval = T}
features.tsv <- read.delim("fls/features.tsv.gz", header=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

# Map homologous genes

```{r map genes, eval = F}
# get human and cyno gene symbols
human.R95 <- useMart(host='jan2019.archive.ensembl.org', 
cyno.R95 <- useMart(host='jan2019.archive.ensembl.org', 
# values = listeENSID: list of cynomolgus ensembl IDs to be retrieved. 
listeENSID = features.tsv$V1
orthologs <- getLDS(attributes = c("ensembl_gene_id","external_gene_name"), 
				  filters = "ensembl_gene_id", 
				  values = listeENSID, 
				  mart = cyno.R95, 
				  attributesL = c("hgnc_symbol","ensembl_gene_id"), 
				  martL = human.R95)
orthologs <- as_tibble(orthologs)
colnames(orthologs) <- c("GeneID","cynoSymbol","HumanSymbol","HumanGeneID")
# keep only 1:1 orthologs
one2one <- orthologs %>% 
group_by(GeneID) %>% 
summarise(n()) %>% 
filter(`n()`<=1) %>%
dplyr::select(`GeneID`) %>%
orthologs <- orthologs %>% filter(GeneID %in% one2one)

# replace empty HumanSymbol (where there isn't a gene name for a homologous gene) with NA
orthologs <- orthologs %>%
mutate(HumanSymbol=replace(HumanSymbol,HumanSymbol=="", NA))
orthologs <- orthologs %>%
mutate(cynoSymbol=replace(cynoSymbol,cynoSymbol=="", NA))

idx = match(listeENSID, orthologs$GeneID)
xx = orthologs$HumanSymbol[idx]
logik = !is.na(orthologs$HumanSymbol[idx]) # sum(logik) returns 17,365 homologous genes
xx = xx[logik]
orthologs = orthologs[!is.na(orthologs$HumanSymbol),]
# note: several of these genes are not unique mappers; we will aggregate them later or make them unique. To aggregate, where E is the sparse expression matrix with rownames set to xx:
# E = Matrix.utils::aggregate.Matrix(E, row.names(E))

Now we have mapped homologous gene symbols across species:

```{r display orthologs}

After mapping homologous genes, Signac can be used to classify the cell types.

```{r save.times, include = FALSE}
write.csv(x = t(as.data.frame(all_times)), file = "fls/tutorial_times_Crabeating_vignette.csv")
saveRDS(orthologs, file = "fls/orthologs.rds")

  <summary>**Session Info**</summary>
```{r, echo=FALSE}