Changes in version 1.3.4 o FIX: error in getting "automated" data from `textcleaner` into Shiny GUI Changes in version 1.3.3 o FIX: `edit` error on Macs, switched to `editData`, and added *editData* dependency Changes in version 1.3.2 o UPDATE: faster conversion between US and UK spellings o FIX: revert of `singularize` Changes in version 1.3.1 o UPDATE: `textcleaner` now allows for either UK or US English spelling o FIX: `correct.changes` did not like vectors (see GitHub Issue #4) o FIX: bug for BAD STRING option in `textcleaner` fixed (see GitHub Issue #5) o UPDATE: new output and message for dictionary and monikers in `textcleaner` o FIX: bug for moniker check when `dictionary = "general"` in `textcleaner` (see GitHub Issue #7) o UPDATE: internal adjustment for parsing multiple words with the general dictionary (speeds up process) o ADD: preprocessing data from SemNA tutorial (`open.preprocess`) Changes in version 1.3.0 o ADD: function to convert cleaned data to the SNAFU library's format in Python: `convert2snafu` o UPDATE: `correct.changes` included within `textcleaner` to streamline code for single function preprocessing o UPDATE: `edit` function added within the `correct.changes` function to allow more seamless interface o UPDATE: change tracking has been added to `correct.changes` in the output (`$spellcheck$changes`) o UPDATE: `textcleaner`'s help is now more helpful o UPDATE: text styling (face and color) are now adaptive to OS, software (R and RStudio), and RStudio theme Changes in version 1.2.0 o **MAJOR UPDATE**: overhauled `textcleaner` and `correct.changes` system to be more functionally efficient, convenient, and aesthetically intuitive o ADD: a walkthrough has been added prior to the manual spell-check in `textcleaner` o ADD: a help option has been added to `textcleaner` o UPDATE: error catching added to `textcleaner` and `correct.changes` so not all is lost (data up to error will be saved and returned) o MOVE: `equate` and `finalize` moved from SemNetCleaner to SemNeT o UPDATE: moved many miscellaneous functions to internals to clean up package presentation o UPDATE: cleaned up textcleaner code to be more streamlined and readable o REMOVE: lead.word data was removed because the `` function was moved to internals Changes in version 1.1.5 o FIX: `` bug for .csv files o FIX: NA bug in `textcleaner` o ADD: `resp2bin` converts response matrix to binary response matrix o FIX: naming output in `equate` function o FIX: `pluralize` handling of words ending in 'ion' Changes in version 1.1.4 o diacritic characters bug fux in `qwerty.dist` o temporary bug fix in `correct.changes` (see code) o removed progress bar for Macs and Linux -- will work on progress bar solution at a later time o fixed diacritic character error for Macs Changes in version 1.1.3 o fixed fatal bug in `correct.changes` Changes in version 1.1.2 o updates to documentation o fixed obnoxious message bug in `textcleaner` function o changed progress bar in `spell.check.dictionary` to display words done out of words in total (rather than percentage) o updated citation (PsyArXiv) o added vignettes for preprocessing and estimating semantic networks Changes in version 1.1.1 o `equate` now handles any number of groups (`equate.multi` is defunct and merged into `equate`) o added a group variable for the dataset 'open.animals' o removed option to save appendix dictionary to package (not allowed by CRAN policies) o added a general function to read in common types of data file extensions: `` o updated `textcleaner` to bypass double query for adding a dictionary o bug fixes in `textcleaner` and `spell.check.dictionary` o updated `singularize` and `pluralize` rule sets o removed `autoConverge` and `autoDestr` functions o changed `corr.chn` to `correct.changes` Changes in version 1.1.0 o cleaned up examples and removed unnecessary datasets ('convmat', 'rmat', and 'trial') o updated `spell.check.dictionary` to automate continuous string selection when continuous response length is greater than maximum continuous string length in dictionary o changed output to have quotes around words being asked to add into dictionary to decipher whether they are a string or separate words o updated `splitstr.check` so responses are not repeated after they've been corrected. Also no longer asks to split responses that are in the dictionary (splits them automatically) o updated `word.check.wrapper` so that 10 responses are always given if the original response is not auto-corrected o added additional nested list called `auto` to spellcheck object in `textcleaner` and `corr.chn` functions, which includes only the incorrect responses changed during the spell-check o fixed save dictionary bug in `spell.check.dictionary` o added a response option called, 'CONTEXT' to the `word.check.wrapper` function to give greater context around a participant's response o added third auto-correct function using `hunspell_suggest` function to the `word.check.wrapper` function o updated functionality of code -- improved speed of several lines in `textcleaner` and `spell.check.dictionary` o fixed multi-word bug in `spell.check.dictionary` Changes in version 1.0.0 o fixed bug in `` for Linux o updated `textcleaner` to default to `general.dictionary` when no dictionary is specified o updated citation o algorithm for `best.guess` was changed to Damerau-Levenshtein distance o `corr.chn` function code was cleaned up and streamlined o 'animals.database' has been moved to the 'SemNetDictionaries' package. It was renamed as 'animals.dictionary' o 'animals.misnomer' was removed o `textcleaner` function code was cleaned up and streamlined. Integrated functionality with the 'SemNetDicationaries' package o `autoConverge` function code was cleaned up and streamlined Changes in version 0.9.9 o animals.database: a database for animals was added o animals.misnomer: common misnomers for animals was added o textcleaner: added database functionality, which makes the cleaning process more accurate, efficient, and reproducible o several wrapper functions added to aid textcleaning from a database Changes in version 0.1.2 o autoConverge: significantly improved interface o separated all function files into individual files o semnetcleaner (changed to textcleaner): added argument to input participants by row or column; ids now included for output; added output to show what spellcheck changed o destr: improved functionality to allow selection of separating character o randwalk: added a function to simulate random walks on the network to examine spontaenous spreading activation o bin2resp: a function to change cleaned binary response data back into character data for each participant Changes in version 0.1.1 o cosine: added cosine similarity o semnetboot: changed name to partboot and added the cosine similarity o semnetmeas: moved from NetworkToolbox o plot.partboot: a function that generates "raindrop" plots for bootstrapped data o org.plot: an organization function for plot.partboot (not for individual use) o convert2cytoscape: added a function to convert a network matrix into a sparse matrix for Cytoscape visualization o added new examples with corresponding data files Changes in version 0.1.0 o autoConverge: created an automated converge function to eliminate the manual converge process o autoDeStr: created an automated de-string function to eliminate most manual de-stringing o fine-tuned most functions o semnetboot: moved from package NetworkToolbox