Changes in version 1.4.4 o FIX: minor fix to get back on CRAN o TODO: major refactor for the entire package to increase future reliability Changes in version 1.4.3 o FIX: switching to different network estimations in Shiny app Changes in version 1.4.2 o FIX: bug in reset of Shiny application o FIX: name ordering of `bootSemNeT` plots o ADD: t-tests to `test.bootSemNeT` and Shiny app o FIX: p-value bug in random networks tests Changes in version 1.4.1 o FIX: unequal nodes and edges in `test.bootSemNeT` (GitHub Issue #3) o UPDATE: tooltips added to network estimation methods in Shiny o UPDATE: associated Shiny packages messages suppressed on Shiny startup o UPDATE: message for Shiny results output o UPDATE: `test.bootSemNeT` no longer uses number of nodes in ANCOVA o UPDATE: added minimum number (`type = "num"`) and proportion (`type = "prop"`) of co-occurrences argument to `NRW` o UPDATE: Shiny with new `NRW` arguments o UPDATE: Shiny now provides effect sizes for partial eta squared in Bootstrap Network Analyses tab o FIX: `PF` remove zeros bug (when there were no zero distances, then an empty matrix was given) Changes in version 1.4.0 o UPDATE: output names for `randwalk` o UPDATE: Shiny interface is condensed and more step-by-step progressive o UPDATE: Shiny includes random walk analysis o UPDATE: Shiny includes spreading activation analysis (thanks to Cythina Siew) o ADD: animation plot for spreading activation analysis in Shiny o FIX: `randwalk` bug with 'steps' and 'reps' argument o FIX: Shiny 'Clear Results' for new analyses o UPDATE: progress bar for some Shiny analyses o FIX: output for animation plots in Shiny o UPDATE: S3method for animation plots o UPDATE: citations added to Shiny analyses o ADD: permutation test to SemNeT (`permSemNeT) and Shiny o UPDATE: ANOVAs controlling for the number of nodes and edges is now the statistical test in `test.bootSemNeT` o ADD: functions to convert data into other softwares format: SNAFU (`convert2snafu`) and igraph (`convert2igraph`) Changes in version 1.3.0 o FIX: output of two-way ANOVA in `test.bootSemNeT` o FIX: 'groups' argument in `test.bootSemNeT` o UPDATE: added integration of SemNetCleaner output into `SemNeTShiny` o MOVE: `equate` and `finalize` moved from SemNetCleaner to SemNeT o REMOVE: foreach and doParallel dependencies were removed (all parallelization is through the pbapply package) o REMOVE: SemNetCleaner dependency was removed to allow SemNeT to operate independently -- all necessary functions from SemNetCleaner have been moved to internal functions o UPDATE: `compare.nets` has changed to `compare_nets` o ADD: Several semantic network estimation methods (see `CN`, `NRW`, and `PF`) -- these are included in the Shiny app o CHANGE: `partboot` is now `bootSemNeT` o CHANGE: `plot.partboot` is now `plot.bootSemNeT` o CHANGE: `partboot.test` is now `test.bootSemNeT` o UPDATE: `cosine` was added to internal functions to remove archived package from dependencies Changes in version 1.2.0 o ADD: Shiny app o FIX: 'groups' argument in `org.plot` o UPDATE: moved several functions to internal to clean up package o ADD: binary responses matrices from animals verbal fluency data associated with the 'SemNetCleaner' package (open.animals) Changes in version 1.1.3 o added extended ANOVA capabilities to `partboot.test` (e.g., two-way ANOVA) Changes in version 1.1.2 o fixed bug for weighted modularity in `semnetmeas` o updated citation (PsyArXiv) o changed y-axis in plots for `partboot` to read as integers (as added black dot for mean in the scatterplots under the raincloud) o added vignette for analyzing semantic networks o added data for plots in vignette Changes in version 1.1.1 o updated citation Changes in version 1.1.0 o changed `semnetmeas` to allow calculation of any combination of measures o `partboot`, `partboot.test`, `plot.partboot`, `randnet.test`, and `compare.nets` now handle groups greater than 2 o bug fixes Changes in version 1.0.0 o serious, and I mean serious, revamp of functions (all for the better) o moved most functions over to 'SemNetCleaner' and now only consists of methods and measures for semantic network analysis o added a `sim.fluency` function for toy examples in CRAN checks o added two datasets 'one.result' and 'two.result' for toy examples in CRAN checks o `partboot.plot` changed to `plot.partboot` and added to S3 methods o `partboot.test` now outputs a list for each network measure Changes in version 0.9.9 o animals.database: a database for animals was added o animals.misnomer: common misnomers for animals was added o textcleaner: added database functionality, which makes the cleaning process more accurate, efficient, and reproducible o several wrapper functions added to aid textcleaning from a database Changes in version 0.1.2 o autoConverge: significantly improved interface o separated all function files into individual files o semnetcleaner (changed to textcleaner): added argument to input participants by row or column; ids now included for output; added output to show what spellcheck changed o destr: improved functionality to allow selection of separating character o randwalk: added a function to simulate random walks on the network to examine spontaenous spreading activation o bin2resp: a function to change cleaned binary response data back into character data for each participant Changes in version 0.1.1 o cosine: added cosine similarity o semnetboot: changed name to partboot and added the cosine similarity o semnetmeas: moved from NetworkToolbox o plot.partboot: a function that generates "raindrop" plots for bootstrapped data o org.plot: an organization function for plot.partboot (not for individual use) o convert2cytoscape: added a function to convert a network matrix into a sparse matrix for Cytoscape visualization o added new examples with corresponding data files Changes in version 0.1.0 o autoConverge: created an automated converge function to eliminate the manual converge process o autoDeStr: created an automated de-string function to eliminate most manual de-stringing o fine-tuned most functions o semnetboot: moved from package NetworkToolbox