Changes in version 1.1.5 o Minor fix (7fc83aaa9c714084133d4d7cc6811780096a1e7b) Changes in version 1.1.4 o det() and tr() PR by @jeksterslab ( o Updated to yacas to 1.9.2 devel (commit 8a370ed72cb6a5fc64c28a534e57a74f9c5737fd). o CRAN: Ryacas/src/yacas/include/yacas/anumber.h was missing #include Changes in version o Timeout on CRAN fixed. Changes in version 1.1.3 o Minor bug fixes. o Updated to yacas/scripts commit 59a3535478c02fd47a68c22d4da92a2c34c817b6. Changes in version 1.1.2 o Minor bug fixes. o rbind() and cbind() implented o sum(x) and prod(x) now also works as expected o More brackets in tex form o Repository moved to Changes in version 1.1.1 o Minor bug fixes. o ysym() was introduced instead of yac_symbol() (yac_symbol() is still an alias to ysym()). o as_y() now extracts yacas command from yac_symbols. o Updated to yacas/scripts commit 0d4e4acf2ca64746476ee640e8d138674088befc. o solve(): extended to a system of equations. o Added c(), integrate(), sum(), lim() for yac_symbol's. Changes in version 1.1.0 o Removed deprecated functions. A legacy package Ryacas0 is available (dev version at o Added yac_symbol functions: deriv, Hessian, Jacobian o solve() extended; see documentation Changes in version 1.0.0 o A WHOLE NEW INTERFACE - READ "GETTING STARTED" VIGNETTE. Old functions throw a warning, and will be removed in the next version. A legacy package Ryacas0 is available: . o Yacas errors are now provided to the user instead of just an empty result. o Vignette on making exercises via the exams package. o Updated Yacas to 1.7.1 (check with yac_str("Version()")). (std::string_view replaced by std::string to use C++11 instead of C++17) - Actually, all the way to commit 49b5211 ( o Added custom Ryacas Yacas initialization in inst/yacas-custom/ryacasinit.ys for future use, e.g. for additional definitions of Sum()'s. Changes in version 0.4.1 o TeXForm() now returns character vector (without $'s at the beginning and end) o New as.Sym.matrix()/as.Sym.character() that converts a character matrix/vector to a yacas matrix (see "Matrix and vector Sym objects" vignette), can be disabled via Ryacas_options. o Transpose() added o Added silent/invisible yacas() function called syacas() o Additional vignettes o More tests o Internal - Enabled use of devtools::load_all() via .onLoad() and .yacas_init_force() - Converted to Roxygen documentation - Vignettes in Rmarkdown format - pkgdown for GitHub Pages for Changes in version 0.3-4 o Maintainer changed to Mikkel Meyer Andersen o Changed from using XML to xml2 Changes in version 0.3-3 o updated to yacas 1.6.1 Changes in version 0.3-2 o removed dontruns o minor bugfixes Changes in version 0.3-1 o removed external dependency on yacas - yacas is incorporated into the package instead of being spawn as a separate process - interface between R and yacas makes use of Rcpp wrapper generator o removed all functions related to downloading, installing and spawning yacas o removed runYacas() function, use a separate yacas session instead o added simple tests using testthat package o changed text encoding from latin1 to utf-8 Changes in version 0.2-11 o modifications needed to work in R 2.14 Changes in version 0.2-10 o fixes to pass R CMD CHECK o added INSTALL file Changes in version 0.2-9 o DESCRIPTION file specifies XML version 2.1-0 or later o minor documentation improvements to address R 2.9.0 Changes in version 0.2-8 o added additional Solve examples to vignette Changes in version 0.2-7 o socket timeout improvement from Petr Savicky o added Encoding: line to DESCRIPTION file o minor changes to satisfy R 2.6.0 Changes in version 0.2-6 o fixed some documentation bugs Changes in version 0.2-6 o fixed bug in haveYacas o fixed bug in runYacas o removed some, but not all, platform dependencies from yacas.R Changes in version 0.2-5 o srcfile= added to parse call in yacas() and Sys.putenv replaced with Sys.setenv so yacas works with R 2.5.0 Changes in version 0.2-4 o new Windows only features - yacas.exe, scripts.dat no longer included in Ryacas distribution - new Windows-only yacasInstall and yacasFile commands to facilitate installation of yacas - .First.lib reminds Windows users to install yacas if yacas not found o Ryacas now uses yacas 1.0.63 on all platforms. (The yacas Windows binary is available in the relevant zip file under Downloads tab on Ryacas home page. On Windows yacasInstall() will download it, extract yacas.exe and scripts.dat and place them both in ...\Ryacas\yacdir.) o yacas is now started in single user server mode (this new mode was added to yacas as of yacas version 1.0.62) o runYacas now uses wait = FALSE on Windows o fixed bug in yacasInvokeString (it was ignoring init.args) o fixed latex bug in Sym.Rd o verbose= argument of yacas command can now take not only TRUE and FALSE but also "input" and "output" o added "yacas" method for the yacas generic o the two vignettes are combined into one Changes in version 0.2-3 o Ryacas-Sym vignette fixed o most .Sym methods have been made .default methods o Identity, Identity.default added o new YACAS_INVOCATION_STRING environment variable can be set to override the default yacas invocation string. (It also overrides the settings of the other YACAS_ environment variables which are only available on Windows.) Thanks to Simon Blomberg for discovering certain possible startup problems. This should provide a general "out" for these on systems that need it. o method = "system" in yacas command now works at least on Windows o yacas method argument defaults to getOption("yacas.method") and to "socket" if that is not set. Changes in version 0.2-2 o bug fixes in R to yacas parser o added yacas.formula o new runYacas function Changes in version 0.2-1 o \dontrun{...} on all examples to avoid Rcmd check problems o new Ryacas-prettyPrinter demo Changes in version 0.1-11 o yacas now starts up when the first time the yacas command is given for method = "socket" rather than at package startup (or if the user explicitly invokes the optional yacasStart() function). o new yacas method = "system" argument which uses the R "system" command to spawn a new instance of yacas each time yacas is called and so does not require sockets. The default continues to be method = "socket". o new command yacasInvokeString which outputs the invocation string for yacas (with no trailing &). o yacasStop has a verbose argument (like yacasStart). o yacas.character has an addSemi argument that defaults to TRUE. o WISHLIST updated Changes in version 0.1-10 o yacas is now a generic with character and expression methods o added method= argument to yacas (currently unused) o yacasStop now closes (and on Windows XP Pro kills) yacas. Previously it was only done on detaching the yacas package. o minor improvements in help file (more are needed) Changes in version 0.1-9 o bug fixes Changes in version 0.1-5 o yacmode function from yacasR added o yacas.start renamed and yacas.stop renamed to yacasStart and yacasStop. yacasStart has a verbose argument that defaults to FALSE. yacasStart is used in the yacas example. o yacas now has verbose = FALSE by default but returns yac.res o WISHLIST updated Changes in version 0.1-4 o taskkill used instead of pskill for Windows. Now no auxilliary process termination utility is used but only XP Pro will get its yacas process terminated on exit. Changes in version 0.1-3 o yparse and associcated routines added o windows now kills process using pskill.exe which is included o yacas binary 1.0.57 for Windows now included o bracket counting rewritten o yacas now has a verbose= argument (defaults to TRUE) Changes in version 0.1-0 o expression processing rewritten o translation of expressions moved to Yacas (R.ys, Rtrans.ys) o ported to UNIX (previously Windows only) o environment variables YACAS_HOME, YACAS_SCRIPTS and YACAS_INIT can be used to override default locations of yacas, scripts.dat and R.ys .