%\VignetteIndexEntry{Supervised Classification} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::knitr} <>= knitr::opts_chunk$set(message =FALSE, warnings = FALSE) options(width=60) backup_options <- options() @ \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage[ansinew]{inputenc} \begin{document} <>= library(knitr) opts_chunk$set( concordance=TRUE ) @ \title{Example Session for Supervised Classification} \author{Andreas Borg, Murat Sariyar} \maketitle This document shows an example session for using supervised classification in the package \textit{RecordLinkage} for deduplication of a single data set. Conducting linkage of two data sets differs only in the step of generating record pairs. See also the vignette on Fellegi-Sunter deduplication for some general information on using the package. \section{Generating comparison patterns} <>= library(RecordLinkage) @ In this session, a training set with 50 matches and 250 non-matches is generated from the included data set \texttt{RLData10000}. Record pairs from the set \texttt{RLData500} are used to calibrate and subsequently evaluate the classifiers. <<>>= data(RLdata500) data(RLdata10000) train_pairs=compare.dedup(RLdata10000, identity=identity.RLdata10000, n_match=500, n_non_match=500) eval_pairs=compare.dedup(RLdata500,identity=identity.RLdata500) @ \section{Training} \texttt{trainSupv} handles calibration of supervised classificators which are selected through the argument \texttt{method}. In the following, a single decision tree (rpart), a bootstrap aggregation of decision trees (bagging) and a support vector machine are calibrated (svm). <<>>= model_rpart=trainSupv(train_pairs, method="rpart") model_bagging=trainSupv(train_pairs, method="bagging") model_svm=trainSupv(train_pairs, method="svm") @ \section{Classification} \texttt{classifySupv} handles classification for all supervised classificators, taking as arguments the structure returned by \texttt{trainSupv} which contains the classification model and the set of record pairs which to classify. <<>>= result_rpart=classifySupv(model_rpart, eval_pairs) result_bagging=classifySupv(model_bagging, eval_pairs) result_svm=classifySupv(model_svm, eval_pairs) @ \section{Results} \subsection{Rpart} <>= texSummary(result_rpart) @ \subsection{Bagging} <>= texSummary(result_bagging) @ \subsection{SVM} <>= texSummary(result_svm) @ <>= options(backup_options) @ \end{document}