## ---- echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------- NOT_CRAN <- identical(tolower(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN")), "true") NOT_TRAVIS <- !identical(tolower(Sys.getenv("TRAVIS")), "true") NOT_ALL <- NOT_CRAN & NOT_TRAVIS knitr::opts_chunk$set(purl = NOT_ALL) ## ---- eval = NOT_ALL----------------------------------------------------- #load installed package library(RDota2) ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------- # #register key on R. xxxxxx is the key you received from Steam. # key_actions(action = 'register_key', value = 'xxxxxxxx') ## ---- eval = NOT_ALL----------------------------------------------------- #register key on R. Sys.getenv('RDota_KEY') will retrieve the value of the #RDota_KEY environment variable which is saved in your .Renviron file. key_actions(action = 'register_key', value = Sys.getenv('RDota_KEY')) #now you can use any of the get_* family functions without specifying a key e.g. heroes <- get_heroes() head(heroes$content) ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------- # #retrieve key # key_actions('get_key') # #delete key # key_actions('delete_key') ## ---- eval = NOT_ALL----------------------------------------------------- str(get_league_listing()$content) ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------- # #information returned about the first game # str(get_live_league_games()$content$games[[1]]) ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------- # #### List of 17 # ## $ players :List of 11 # ## ..$ :List of 4 # ## .. ..$ account_id: int 292934088 # ## .. ..$ name : chr "FACEIT.com | Shannon Bot" # ## .. ..$ hero_id : int 0 # ## .. ..$ team : int 4 # ## ..$ :List of 4 # ## .. ..$ account_id: int 124344565 # ## .. ..$ name : chr "Ryadovoi Lebys" # ## .. ..$ hero_id : int 91 # ## .. ..$ team : int 1 # ## ..$ :List of 4 # ## .. ..$ account_id: int 374473137 # ## .. ..$ name : chr """| __truncated__ # ## .. ..$ hero_id : int 90 # ## .. ..$ team : int 1 # ## ..$ :List of 4 # ## .. ..$ account_id: int 53178236 # ## .. ..$ name : chr "Sedoy" # ## .. ..$ hero_id : int 18 # ## .. ..$ team : int 0 # ## ..$ :List of 4 # ## .. ..$ account_id: int 84692724 # ## .. ..$ name : chr "PANDA" # ## .. ..$ hero_id : int 110 # ## .. ..$ team : int 1 # ## ..$ :List of 4 # ## .. ..$ account_id: int 86840554 # ## .. ..$ name : chr "tmw" # ## .. ..$ hero_id : int 15 # ## .. ..$ team : int 0 # ## ..$ :List of 4 # ## .. ..$ account_id: int 123787524 # ## .. ..$ name : chr "Shachlo" # ## .. ..$ hero_id : int 60 # ## .. ..$ team : int 0 # ## ..$ :List of 4 # ## .. ..$ account_id: int 159020918 # ## .. ..$ name : chr "RodjER" # ## .. ..$ hero_id : int 37 # ## .. ..$ team : int 0 # ## ..$ :List of 4 # ## .. ..$ account_id: int 148096933 # ## .. ..$ name : chr "number0" # ## .. ..$ hero_id : int 47 # ## .. ..$ team : int 1 # ## ..$ :List of 4 # ## .. ..$ account_id: int 11550182 # ## .. ..$ name : chr "VANSKOR" # ## .. ..$ hero_id : int 69 # ## .. ..$ team : int 0 # ## ..$ :List of 4 # ## .. ..$ account_id: int 86817707 # ## .. ..$ name : chr "72293768" # ## .. ..$ hero_id : int 82 # ## .. ..$ team : int 1 # ## $ radiant_team :List of 4 # ## ..$ team_name: chr "FlipSid3 Tactics" # ## ..$ team_id : int 2790766 # ## ..$ team_logo: num 2.78e+17 # ## ..$ complete : logi TRUE # ## $ lobby_id : num 2.48e+16 # ## $ match_id : num 2.73e+09 # ## $ spectators : int 1256 # ## $ series_id : int 0 # ## $ game_number : int 0 # ## $ league_id : int 5027 # ## $ stream_delay_s : int 300 # ## $ radiant_series_wins: int 0 # ## $ dire_series_wins : int 0 # ## $ series_type : int 0 # ## $ league_series_id : int 0 # ## $ league_game_id : int 0 # ## $ stage_name : chr "" # ## $ league_tier : int 3 # ## $ scoreboard :List of 4 # ## ..$ duration : num 1035 # ## ..$ roshan_respawn_timer: int 377 # ## ..$ radiant :List of 11 # ## .. ..$ score : int 13 # ## .. ..$ tower_state : int 1983 # ## .. ..$ barracks_state: int 63 # ## .. ..$ picks :List of 5 # ## truncated... ## ---- eval = NOT_ALL----------------------------------------------------- #match list contains information about both players and the match match_details <- get_match_details(match_id = 2686721815)$content #match_details[[1]] is a list with all the players - usually 10 #match_details[[1]][[1]] is just one of the 10 players str(match_details[[1]][[1]]) #information about the match str(match_details[-1]) ## ---- eval = NOT_ALL----------------------------------------------------- #match list contains information about both players and the match match_details <- get_match_history(matches_requested = 2, date_min = '2015-01-01 16:00:00', hero_id = 1)$content #information about the first match str(match_details[[1]][[1]]) ## ---- eval = NOT_ALL----------------------------------------------------- #get 1 match (out of 2) - match_seq_nums are 250 and 251 str(get_match_history_by_sequence_num(matches_requested = 2, start_at_match_seq_num = 250)$content$matches[[1]]) ## ---- eval = NOT_ALL----------------------------------------------------- #no scheduled games at the time of writing str(get_scheduled_league_games()$content) ## ---- eval = NOT_ALL----------------------------------------------------- #information about one team str(get_team_info_by_team_id()$content$teams[[1]]) ## ---- eval = NOT_ALL----------------------------------------------------- #request seems to be successful but I couldn't find an account id that returned player stats str(get_tournament_player_stats(account_id = 89550641, league_id = 65006)$content) ## ---- eval = NOT_ALL----------------------------------------------------- #information about one team str(get_top_live_game(partner = 1)$content$game_list[[1]]) ## ---- eval = NOT_ALL----------------------------------------------------- str(get_game_items()$content) ## ---- eval = NOT_ALL----------------------------------------------------- str(get_heroes()$content) ## ---- eval = NOT_ALL----------------------------------------------------- get_rarities()$content ## ---- eval = NOT_ALL----------------------------------------------------- str(get_tournament_prize_pool()$content) ## ---- eval = NOT_ALL----------------------------------------------------- get_event_stats_for_account(eventid = 65006, accountid = 89550641)$content