title: RAQSAPI - A Brief introduction into RAQSAPI functions
author: Clinton Mccrowey physical scientist - US EPA
rmarkdown::html_vignette: default
vignette: >
%\VignetteIndexEntry{RAQSAPI - A Brief introduction into RAQSAPI functions}
| Information: AQS Data Mart API restricts the \
maximum amount of monitoring data to one full year of data per API \
call. |
| -- |
RAQSAPI functions are named according to the service and filter variables that
are available by the Data Mart
API.^[See (https://aqs.epa.gov/aqsweb/documents/data_api.html) for the full
details of the Data Mart API]
## Data Mart aggregate functions
These functions retrieve aggregated data from the Data Mart API and are grouped
by how each function aggregates the data. There are 7 different families of
related aggregate functions in which the AQS Data Mart API groups data.
**These seven families are**:
- **\_by_site**
- **\_by_county**
- **\_by_state**
- **\_by\_\** (_by_box)
- **\_by\_\** (_by_MA)
- **\_by\_\** (_by_pqao)
- **\_by\_\** (_by_cbsa).
Within these families of aggregated data functions there are functions that call
on the 13 different aggregate services that the Data Mart API provides.
**Note that not all aggregations are available for each service.**
**These fourteen services are**:
- **Monitors** (aqs_monitors_by_*)
- **Sample Data** (aqs_sampledata_by_*)
- **Daily Summary Data** (aqs_dailysummary_by_*)
- **Annual Summary Data** (aqs_annualsummary_by_*)
- **Quarterly Summary Data** (aqs_quarterlysummary_by_*)
- **Quality Assurance - Blanks Data** (aqs_qa_blanks_by_*)
- **Quality Assurance - Collocated Assessments**
- **Quality Assurance - Flow Rate Verifications**
- **Quality Assurance - Flow Rate Audits** (aqs_qa_flowrateaudit_by_*)
- **Quality Assurance - One Point Quality Control Raw Data**
- **Quality Assurance - PEP Audits** (aqs_qa_pep_audit_by_*)
- **Transaction Sample - AQS Submission data in transaction Format (RD)**
- **Quality Assurance - Annual Performance Evaluations** \
- **Quality Assurance - Annual Performance Evaluations in the AQS** \
**Submission transaction format (RD)**
| Information: AQS Data Mart API restricts the \
maximum amount of monitoring data to one full year of data per \
API call. These functions are able to return multiple years of data by \
making repeated calls to the API. Each call to the Data Mart API will take \
time to complete. The more years of data being requested the longer RAQSAPI \
will take to return the results. |
| -- |
Aggregate functions are named AQS_API\\_\() where
\ is one of the 13 services listed above and \ is
either "\_by\_site", "\_by\_county", "\_by\_state", "\_by\_box", "\_by\_cbsa",
"\_by\_ma", or "\_by\_pqao".
### See the RAQSAPI vignette for more details
(RAQSAPI must be installed and built with BUILD_MANUAL = TRUE enabled)
RShowDoc(what="RAQSAPIvignette", type="html", package="RAQSAPI")