# ----------------------------------------------- # PupilPre 0.6.2 This is a minor maintenance update related to the upcoming release of R version 4.0.0 ## Major changes: ### New functions * None ### Changes to functions * None ### Vignettes * None ## Minor changes: ### Changes to functions * ppl_rm_extra_DVcols: This function has been changed to comply with droplevels() in R 4.0.0. Additionally, "RIGHT_INTEREST_AREA_LABEL" was added as a deleteable column. ## Bug fixes: * None. # ----------------------------------------------- # PupilPre 0.6.1 This is a minor maintenance update. ## Major changes: ### New functions * None ### Changes to functions * None ### Vignettes * None ## Minor changes: ### Changes to functions * ppl_select_recorded_eye: This function has been changed to reflect the most recent version of SR DataViewer (4.1.1), which now labels EYE_TRACKED with "Binocular", rather than "Both". The updated code now allows for both types of input. Thank you to Jesse Harris for bringing this to our attention. ## Bug fixes: * None. # ----------------------------------------------- # PupilPre 0.6.0 ## Major changes: * None (First release) ## Minor changes: * None (First release) ## Bug fixes: * None (First release)