Release R1-1.1-1 / 15 May 2013 - Fixed problem with subtitle if reports generated with Nozzle versions older than R1-1.1-0 were rendered with R1-1.1-0. Release R1-1.1-0 / 14 May 2013 - Added newHtml(...) to create freeform HTML elements in a report. - Added support for report citation information and Document Object Identifiers (DOIs). - New report attribute "subtitle". A subtitle can be written/read using "set/getReportSubTitle(..). - Logo section is no longer shown when no logos have been added to the report, effectively removing empty space above the title and below the meta data section. - Nozzle now supports freeform HTML content with custom styles supplied through newHtml(...). - Various fixes. ----------------- Release R1-1.0-0 / 8 January 2013 - Fully documented API. - Changed Nozzle URL to - Various minor fixes. ----------------- Release R1-0.3-1 / 6 September 2012 - Nozzle 0.3-1 supports the inclusion of logos at the top and bottom of a report. Logos can be set using the setLogo( filename, location ) command. - Fixed a problem where tables that contain NAs caused an error during truncation. ----------------- Release R1-0.3-0 / 20 January 2012 - Nozzle 0.3-0 no longer supports multiple reports per page and no longer generates HTML fragments. If an HTML fragment is requested a warning message will be printed. - The default filename "report" has been replaced with "nozzle". - Report usage can now be tracked with Google Analytics. A Google Analytics id can be set using setGoogleAnalyticsId() and retrieved using getGoogleAnalyticsId(). - Standard Nozzle reports now have a meta information section. Elements can be added with the addToMeta() command. - Elements can now be added to the overview section with the addToOverview() command. - Custom reports can now be created with the newCustomReport() command. Custom reports do not contain predefined sections. - To add a meta information or a results section to a custom report newSection...() is called with with class="meta" or class="results", respectively. - The print view has been updated and now includes all supplemental results as end notes. - It is now possible to retrieve information about the Nozzle version that was used to create and render a report and the respective dates by calling the getRenderer/CreatorName() and getRenderer/CreatorDate() functions, respectively. - Store and retrieve information about script/software that generated the report using set/getSoftwareName() and set/getSoftwareVersion(). - It is now possible to pass a prefix and a postfix that will be applied to all URLs in the DOM that are relative. To add a prefix/postfix to all relative filename URLs in the report the following kind of query string when opening the report: nozzle.html?prefix=&postfix= Both and have to be URL encoded. The prefix needs to contain all required file path separators (usually that means it has to end with a slash). The postfix needs to begin with a "?". The final URLs are assembled as follows: = + + - A custom CSS file that overwrites the default CSS settings can be provided and read using setCustomScreenCss() and getCustomScreenCss(). To change the CSS for the print layout the setCustomPrintCss() and getCustomPrintCss() may be used. - The email address, subject and body of the feedback/comment/bug report message can now be set using setContactInformation(). - Export of selected elements from reports for inclusion in other reports is now possible by declaring an export id when the element is created with new...(). The feature is supported for sections, lists, paragraphs, figures and tables. Helper functions have been added to identify exported figures and tables and to modify the file paths of referenced images or text files. A list of exported elements for a report can be obtained with the getExportedElements( ... ) function and elements can be retrieved from a report using the getExportedElement( ... ) command. Export of elements containing references, citations or result elements is not supported, but also not prevented. - Reports now include credits for Nozzle by default, this can be turned off by setting "credits=FALSE" when calling writeReport(). ----------------- Release R1-0.2-99 / 18 August 2011 - A copyright owner, year, notice and URL can now be added using the setCopyright() function. - Maintainer name, affiliation, and email address can now be added using the setMaintainer...() functions. - newTable() has a new argument "significantDigits" that determines the number of significant digits that should be printed. Trimming will be applied only to columns of tables where is.numeric( columnvalues ) returns true. The default value is 2. - Tables can now be sorted based on a user-selected column. This feature is using the TableSorter JQuery plugin by Christian Bach ( - Results that have no associated supplementary information are no longer clickable to avoid showing an empty result section. - New layout. Supplementary information is shown in a second window on the same page that can be viewed at the same time as the main report. - Supplementary tables and figures now use separate counters and are named Sxx, e.g. Figure S4 or Table S2. - If a section only contains a single subsection the subsection will automatically be expanded when the section is expanded. - The number of significant findings in a section or subsection is no longer hidden when the section is expanded but deemphasized to avoid distraction. - The result section is now expanded by default to reduce the number of clicks required to get to the results. ----------------- Release R1-0.2-3 / 31 March 2011 - writeReport() no longer writes a "debug fragment", even if debug=TRUE. This is necessary to prevent problems when a developer accidentally releases "debug code" into production. ----------------- Release R1-0.2-2 / 23 March 2011 - Added code to convert factors into strings in data.frame objects passed into the newTable() function. The conversion is only performed when the report is being written. ----------------- Release R1-0.2-1 / 16 March 2011 - Minor change to fragment code to address Firehose display issue where no JavaScript was run. ----------------- Release R1-0.2-0 / 05 March 2011 - Added "output" argument to writeReport() to control whether a standalone HTML report, an HTML fragment or an RData file should be written. Per default all three are created. - All HTML standalone reports and fragments now contain minimized Nozzle CSS and obfuscated Nozzle JavaScript code, unless debug=TRUE for writeReport(). - The jQuery library is now embedded in standalone reports. - Multiple report fragments can now be included in a single HTML page. - Reports now include meta information: id, version and creation date. In HTML reports this information is included as a comment, i.e. it is not directly visible. - Added "version" (default=0) argument to newReport to indicate changes in the report structure. This can be used in the future to determine whether a report has changed relative to a previous report. ----------------- Release R1-0.1-0 / 16 February 2011 - First public release.