0.41-24 (May 18, 2023) * Function rmLaplace was modified according to algorithm described by Gomez et al. (1998), doi: 10.1080/03610929808832115 * Function for the evaluation of the multivariate Laplace distribution density has been added. * Minor modifications of dpqr-functions for the univariate Laplace distribution. 0.41-2 (Oct 18, 2022) * Several R and C functions were recoded/improved. 0.41 (Aug 12, 2022) * Documentation of functions 'confint' and 'vcov' for lad objects were included. 0.40 (Apr 21, 2022) * Deprecated legacy S constants were fixed. 0.38.196 (Oct 15, 2020) * C code to obtain certain matrix computations and decompositions is now provided by 'fastmatrix' R package. * Minor clean-ups in C and R. 0.38.19 (Nov 14, 2017) * Added confint and vcov methods for lad objects. * Corrected error in computation of the standard error for the coefficients. 0.38.1 (Aug 15, 2017) * Added summary method for lad objects. * Authors field at DESCRIPTION file was corrected. 0.38 (Feb 20, 2017) * Added routines to evaluate density, cumulative distribution, quantile functions and generation of random deviates from the univariate Laplace distribution. * Added S3 logLik, predict, plot and simulate methods for lad objects (contributed by Tymoteusz Wolodzko). * Internal code for computation of log-likelihood function was corrected. * Changes to NAMESPACE file to compliance with guidelines described in 'Writing R Extensions' Section 1.5. 0.3 (Apr 13, 2015) * Initial release of the L1pack on CRAN.