=============== GNRS 0.3.3 =============== ## NEW FEATURES * Rather than skipping tests when on CRAN or Offline, most are now handled using vcr to cache API responses ## BUG FIXES * Fixed potential source of errors when testing on CRAN for a few tests that I failed to skip on CRAN =============== GNRS 0.3.3 =============== ## NEW FEATURES ## BUG FIXES * Updated tests to be skipped when run on CRAN in order to prevent errors when server is temporarily down. =============== GNRS 0.3.2 =============== ## NEW FEATURES * Added internal function 'gnrs_core'to reduce code duplication * Improved warning messages from API and R package * Added explicit testing to ensure code fails gracefully when the server is down * Added testing to make sure that incorrectly formatted input returns a useful message without an error. ## BUG FIXES * Updated API to properly format HTTP status codes, allowing us to avoid errors due to conversion from json * standardized handling of queries that return empty data between _get_counties and _get_states. =============== GNRS 0.3.1 =============== ## NEW FEATURES * Added GNRS_data_dictionary() function and associated test. ## BUG FIXES * Fixed problem with handling of API being down/unavailable * Tests are now skipped if offline =============== GNRS 0.3.0 =============== ## NEW FEATURES * Added GNRS_metadata * Added GNRS_acknowledgments * Added GNRS_citations * Added GNRS_sources ## BUG FIXES * FUnctions return a message if they cannot connect to either the internet or the API. =============== GNRS 0.2.0 =============== ## NEW FEATURES * The field "user_id" is now required to be either null or contain only unique values. * The field "user_id" is now used to ensure the order of the returned records match the order that was submitted. * The URL used by the API was updated * Added the option to specify the number of batches to use for processing. * Added GNRS_version function * Added GNRS_get_countries() * Added GNRS_get_states() * Added GNRS_get_counties() * Added testing via testthat * Moved data to from inst/extdata to data/ and added documentation =============== GNRS 0.1.0 =============== ## NEW FEATURES * released to CRAN