The goal of GEmetrics is to provide functions to calculate the best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) of the following genotype-by-environment (GE) metrics: ecovalence, environmental variance, Finlay and Wilkinson regression and Lin and Binns superiority measure, based on a multi-environment genomic prediction model.
You can install GEmetrics directly from the CRAN:
or from GitHub:
install.packages(pkg='devtools',repos='') ## install devtools
devtools::install_git('') ## install GEmetrics from GitHub
This is a basic example which shows you how to calculate the BLUP of GE metrics.
Multi-environment trial data is first simulated based on the “wheat” dataset from BGLR.
A design data frame is generated displaying all combinations of genotypes and environments. Some combinations are discarded to set sparseness in the data (75% here).
## Set seed for reproductibility
## Load "wheat" dataset from BGLR
data("wheat",package = "BGLR")
## Generate a design data frame for all genotypes in 5 environments
Design <- expand.grid(Genotype=rownames(wheat.A),Environment=paste0("Env",1:5))
## Set sparseness by discarding 75% of the combinatons
Design <- Design[-sample(nrow(Design),round(nrow(Design)*3/4)),]
#> Genotype Environment
#> 3 2167 Env1
#> 6 3889 Env1
#> 15 13396 Env1
#> 22 14103 Env1
#> 26 16004 Env1
#> 28 16262 Env1
Phenotypes are then simulated using trait and environments parameters:
## Simulate phenotypic data with default parameter values
DataSim <- GEmetrics::Simulate_MET_data(Design=Design,K=wheat.A,h2=0.5,rho=0.5,sd_mu=1)
The resulting DataSim object include:
## Simulated phenotypes
#> Y Genotype Environment
#> 3 1.5105722 2167 Env1
#> 6 0.1510397 3889 Env1
#> 15 -3.3939121 13396 Env1
#> 22 0.3920105 14103 Env1
#> 26 -0.4409719 16004 Env1
#> 28 -1.1378441 16262 Env1
## Simulated environment-specific breeding values
#> Env1 Env2 Env3 Env4 Env5
#> 775 -0.8188854 0.7310795 -0.7722164 -2.9188405 0.1487880
#> 2166 0.5865631 2.1463691 1.9910743 0.7155801 1.7982954
#> 2167 0.6615584 2.1808788 1.9865398 0.7955096 1.9156231
#> 2465 0.6525278 0.7716421 0.5629410 0.0811664 1.8413287
#> 3881 0.3101735 0.6611265 1.6816084 -2.2797745 1.7717076
#> 3889 -1.0755458 -2.0130535 -1.5269430 -2.4387551 0.5240766
## Genetic covariance matrix between environments
#> Env1 Env2 Env3 Env4 Env5
#> Env1 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
#> Env2 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5
#> Env3 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.5
#> Env4 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5
#> Env5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0
## Error covariance matrix between environments
#> Env1 Env2 Env3 Env4 Env5
#> Env1 1 0 0 0 0
#> Env2 0 1 0 0 0
#> Env3 0 0 1 0 0
#> Env4 0 0 0 1 0
#> Env5 0 0 0 0 1
From simulated data, variance components can be estimated using an inference method like BGLR, or any other methods able to infer Omega_G and Omega_E.
First, the phenotypic data frame must be transformed into a phenotypic response matrix.
## Generate the phenotypic response matrix for BGLR and the corresponding K matrix
BGLR_data <- GEmetrics::BGLR_format(Pheno=DataSim$Pheno,K=wheat.A)
#> Env1 Env2 Env3 Env4 Env5
#> 775 NA -0.04697659 NA NA NA
#> 2167 1.5105722 NA NA 1.580189 1.205947
#> 2465 NA NA 1.49828160 NA NA
#> 3881 NA 0.50301295 NA NA NA
#> 3889 0.1510397 NA NA NA NA
#> 4248 NA NA -0.04786517 -1.401185 NA
The inference can be done using the “Multitrait” function of BGLR to estimate the Omega_G and Omega_E covariance matrices. Note that the current CRAN version of BGLR (October 2023) may lead to an issue when the phenotypic data is very sparse, but not the most recent GitHub version.
## Run BGLR inference
BGLR_results <- BGLR::Multitrait(y=BGLR_data$BGLR_pheno,ETA=ETA,
nIter=1000,burnIn=500,verbose = F,saveAt = "Test_")
#> Checking variance co-variance matrix K for linear term 1
#> Ok
#> Setting linear term 1
#> MSx=1.60381006430079
#> UNstructured covariance matrix
#> df0 was set to 6
#> S0 set to
#> Env1 Env2 Env3 Env4 Env5
#> Env1 10.1237857 3.523954 2.648470 2.804323 0.9866993
#> Env2 3.5239541 11.076081 2.746944 3.647022 1.7981729
#> Env3 2.6484702 2.746944 9.101782 2.333046 2.4699484
#> Env4 2.8043233 3.647022 2.333046 9.662190 1.1637173
#> Env5 0.9866993 1.798173 2.469948 1.163717 5.9543964
#> Initializing resCov
#> Setting hyperparameters for DIAG R
#> df0 set to 5 for all the traits
#> S0 was set to
#> Env1 Env2 Env3 Env4 Env5
#> 9.471367 10.362293 8.515226 9.039518 5.570671
#> Done
Omega_G <- BGLR_results$ETA[[1]]$Cov$Omega
Omega_E <- BGLR_results$resCov$R
rownames(Omega_E) <- rownames(Omega_E) <- rownames(Omega_G)
The estimate of the genetic covariance matrix Omega_G is:
#> Env1 Env2 Env3 Env4 Env5
#> Env1 1.0247664 0.4677599 0.3996223 0.4624807 0.2011146
#> Env2 0.4677599 0.9498619 0.3683848 0.3746494 0.2067460
#> Env3 0.3996223 0.3683848 0.7740551 0.3278520 0.2372795
#> Env4 0.4624807 0.3746494 0.3278520 0.8901805 0.2105031
#> Env5 0.2011146 0.2067460 0.2372795 0.2105031 0.4848253
and the estimate of the error covariance matrix Omega_E is:
#> [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
#> Env1 1.118006 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000 0.0000000
#> Env2 0.000000 1.045441 0.000000 0.00000 0.0000000
#> Env3 0.000000 0.000000 1.141221 0.00000 0.0000000
#> Env4 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.21129 0.0000000
#> Env5 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000 0.9782482
The BLUP and the conditional variance of environment-specific breeding values can be calculated from the phenotypes and the variance component estimates. Note that the BLUPs could also be obtained directly from BGLR outputs.
## Calculate BLUP and conditional variance
BlupEnvBV <- GEmetrics::EnvBV_blup(Pheno=DataSim$Pheno,K=wheat.A,Omega_G=Omega_G,Omega_E=Omega_E)
The BLUPs obtained:
#> Env1 Env2 Env3 Env4 Env5
#> 775 -0.66753201 -0.2112071 0.4905182 -1.5057121 0.8578696
#> 2166 0.81771762 0.4090425 1.3872625 0.5760052 1.4273601
#> 2167 0.82168849 0.4112842 1.3889899 0.5801013 1.4281564
#> 2465 0.64992740 0.9668607 1.4473134 -0.3386963 1.5218385
#> 3881 -0.08437372 0.2692015 0.9020293 -1.6997681 0.6887119
#> 3889 -1.37042995 -2.3024314 -0.5541623 -2.0430040 0.4299118
and the conditional variance matrix:
#> Env1:775 Env1:2166 Env1:2167 Env1:2465 Env1:3881
#> Env1:775 1.09832586 0.013557905 0.013513339 0.053213436 0.241726662
#> Env1:2166 0.01355791 0.517089943 0.514962943 -0.001668494 -0.006067685
#> Env1:2167 0.01351334 0.514962943 0.516518608 -0.001649603 -0.006042546
#> Env1:2465 0.05321344 -0.001668494 -0.001649603 0.502314319 0.015195531
#> Env1:3881 0.24172666 -0.006067685 -0.006042546 0.015195531 0.776973074
Each GE metric can be estimated using the complete BLUP involving both the squared expectation and the variance term:
metrics <- c("Ecovalence","EnvironmentalVar","FinlayWilkRegression","LinBinns")
GEmetrics_hat_geno_exp_var <- sapply(metrics,function(m)
#> Ecovalence EnvironmentalVar FinlayWilkRegression LinBinns
#> 775 2.394463 1.4653910 1.0064156 5.107793
#> 2166 3.337781 0.7363370 0.4428062 2.576045
#> 2167 3.347547 0.7364124 0.4414242 2.572119
#> 2465 1.631830 0.9115902 0.7942961 2.281372
#> 3881 2.532864 1.5401010 1.0298445 4.236280
#> 3889 1.780832 1.4125020 1.0651308 8.526201
or using the partial BLUP including the the squared expectation only:
metrics <- c("Ecovalence","EnvironmentalVar","FinlayWilkRegression","LinBinns")
GEmetrics_hat_geno_exp <- sapply(metrics,function(m)
#> Ecovalence EnvironmentalVar FinlayWilkRegression LinBinns
#> 775 0.1037494 0.8798098 1.0043964 4.383918
#> 2166 1.3178871 0.2163899 0.4332007 1.927741
#> 2167 1.3237323 0.2154950 0.4318088 1.923486
#> 2465 0.3207806 0.5687083 0.7885727 1.797779
#> 3881 0.6793336 1.0639080 1.0281445 3.616348
#> 3889 1.2136119 1.2559158 1.0626649 8.104803
Estimates can be compared to the true GE metric values obtained from simulated environment-specific breeding values using the correlation:
GEmetrics_true <- sapply(metrics,function(m)GEmetrics::GEmetrics_blup(G_hat=DataSim$EnvBV,metric=m,P=NULL))
data.frame("Geno_Exp_Var" = diag(cor(GEmetrics_hat_geno_exp_var,GEmetrics_true)),
"Geno_Exp" = diag(cor(GEmetrics_hat_geno_exp,GEmetrics_true)))
#> Geno_Exp_Var Geno_Exp
#> Ecovalence 0.3596291 0.2137034
#> EnvironmentalVar 0.5047009 0.4749053
#> FinlayWilkRegression 0.5315392 0.5316567
#> LinBinns 0.7944993 0.7935010
or the root mean-square error of estimation:
data.frame("Geno_Exp_Var" = sqrt(colMeans((GEmetrics_hat_geno_exp_var-GEmetrics_true)^2)),
"Geno_Exp" = sqrt(colMeans((GEmetrics_hat_geno_exp-GEmetrics_true)^2)))
#> Geno_Exp_Var Geno_Exp
#> Ecovalence 2.0265446 3.0840888
#> EnvironmentalVar 0.8941891 1.1087231
#> FinlayWilkRegression 0.3837222 0.3837641
#> LinBinns 3.4556773 4.0040074