Changes in Version 3.0.0 2024.08.08 ----------------------------------- - Fixed allowed values for the argument pi.type to only "upper" and "lower" in the functions predIntNormSimultaneous() and predIntNormSimultaneousK(). In Versions 2.4.0 - 2.8.1, the value pi.type="two-sided" was allowed, but these two-sided simultaneous prediction intervals were based on faulty assumptions and are *NOT* valid. - Starting in Version 2.4.0, the code for qnormMix() was changed. It was not properly vectorized, and also gave wrong values for p = 0 and p = 1. The code has been reverted back to its form in Version 2.3.1. - The function enpar() was added as a companion function to enparCensored(). - The functions elnormAltCensored() and egammaAltCensored() were updated to fix a bug that resulted in the functions throwing an error when the observations were too "small". - The function enparCensored() was updated to fix bugs that resulted in incorrect answers. Also, the possible values for the arguments left.censored.min and right.censored.max changed, and the argument restricted was added. See the help file for more information and how the results for enparCensored() compare to results from ProUCL Version 5.2.0 and the kmms() function in the STAND package. - The following data frames from published sources were added: Beal.2010.Pb.df, BJC.2000.df, and ProUCL.5.2.TRS.df. ================================================================================= Changes in Version 2.8.1 2023.08.21 - removed man/EnvStats-package.Rd as it was outdated and duplicating information in other help files. ================================================================================== Changes in Version 2.8.0 2023.06.12 - fix of detectionLimitCalibrate in case of negative estimated intercepts - remove (hidden) dplyr dependency ================================================================================== Changes in Version 2.7.0 2022.03.07 - switching results from S3 class htest to htestEnvStats to avoid conflict with the stricter check of the htest class in R >= 4.2 =================================================================================== Changes in Version 2.6.0 2022.03.01 - use weights in the lm call in calibrate() - fixing bootstrap two.sided ci argument test #13 (James Durant) =================================================================================== Changes in Version 2.4.0, 2019.01.14: o Justin Jent added option for two-sided confidence intervals in predIntNormSimultaneous() and predIntNormSimultaneousK() =================================================================================== Changes in Version 2.3.0, 2017.10.09: o Updated the function gofTestCensored() to peform a goodness-of-fit test using censored data for any continuous distribution that has an associated estimation method for censored data. o Added the function distChooseCensored() to automatically choose a distribution based on a series of goodness-of-fit tests performed by calling the gofTestCensored() function. o Added the function distChoose() to automatically choose a distribution based on a series of goodness-of-fit tests performed by calling the gofTest() function. o For the function egamma(): --Now allows computation of one-sided lower and one-sided upper confidence intervals when ci.method="profile.likelihood". --Added the option ci.method="chisq.adj", which uses the method of Grice and Bain (1980) to compute a confidence interval for the mean. This is equivalent to the "adjusted gamma" method of ProUCL. --Added the data object Grice.Bain.80.mat, which is used by egamma() when ci.method="chisq.adj". (See the help file for Grice.Bain.80.mat.) --Fixed the help file for the function egamma() so that it correctly states that when method="bcmle" the scale parameter is computed based on the bias-corrected mle of the shape parameter. o For the function gofTest(): added the options test="ad" (Anderson-Darling), test="cvm" (Cramer-von Mises), test="lillie" (Lilliefors), test="" and test="ProUCL.ks.gamma". See the help file for gofTest() for more information. o Due to issues with numerical integration, rewrote the functions evNormOrdStats() and evNormOrdStatsScalar(). The argument 'approximate' has been replaced with the argument 'method', although the argument 'approximate' is still available to use for for backwards compatibility. See the help file for more details. I am grateful to Gwern Branwen ( for bringing these issues to my attention. o Fixed a typographical error in Equation (4) of the help file for evNormOrdStats() and evNormOrdStatsScalar(). o Fixed minor bug in the function gofTest() that had resulted in an incorrect names attribute for the "data" component of the returned list. o The following ggproto objects have been exported so that advanced users who are curious may see them. --StatNText: Called by stat_n_text. --StatMeanSDText: Called by stat_mean_sd_text. --StatMedianIQRText: Called by stat_median_iqr_text. --StatTestText: Called by stat_test_text. =================================================================================== Changes in Version 2.2.1, 2017.01.13: o Added the function geom_stripchart(), which is a geom that works under the package ggplot2 and is the analogue to the EnvStats function stripChart(). Also added the following supporting functions for geom_stripchart(): --stat_n_text: beneath each group, displays text indicating the sample size. --stat_mean_sd_text: above each group, displays text indicating the mean and standard deviation. --stat_median_iqr_text: above each group, displays text indicating the median and interquartile range. --stat_test_text: at top of panel, displays text indicating the test results comparing groups. o Updated the function eqnpar(): -- Added the argument "type" to allow the user to specify how the estimated quantile is computed. This argument is passed to the quantile() function. -- Added the option ci.method="interpolate" (now the default). -- Changed the behavior when ci.method="exact". -- Changed the behavior when ci.method="normal.approx". o Fixed bug in the function gofTestCensored() for the case when there is only one censoring level but the sample is still considered to be multiply censored because the censoring level is larger than the smallest uncensored observation (left-censored data) or smaller than the largest uncensored observation (right-censored data). o Updated the help files for enormCensored(), elnormCensored(), elnormAltCensored(), and gofTestCensored(): -- The default value for prob.method is prob.method="hirsch-stedinger", not "michael-schucany". =================================================================================== Changes in Version 2.1.1, 2016.06.13: o Updated the function stripChart(): -- For the case when there are two independent groups and plot.diff=TRUE and paired=TRUE: ++ Adjusted the default value of diff.lim. ++ Added the argument diff.method to indicate what method to use to plot the paired differences. The default value is diff.method="stack". -- For the case when there are two independent groups and plot.diff=TRUE and paired=FALSE: ++ The default value for the argument diff.lim (which determines the range on the axis associated with the confidence interval for the difference between groups) is now on the same scale as the range of the original observations. ++ The default location of the confidence interval for the difference between groups has changed slightly. -- Fixed a bug for the case when ci.and.test='parametric' and the argument test.arg.list contains components named 'paired' and 'var.equal'. -- When the argument test.arg.list is supplied with a component named 'paired' and the value of that component does not match the value of the argument 'paired', the value of the component is set to the value of the argument 'paired' and a warning is issued. -- Fixed a bug for the case when add=TRUE. o Updated the function summaryStats(): -- Takes the new argument 'paired' applicable to the case when there are 2 groups that are paired observations. ++ When paired=TRUE and p.value=TRUE, the paired t-test or paired Wilcoxon test is performed. -- Fixed bug for the case when there are 2 independent groups, test="parametric", and the argument 'test.arg.list' contains the component paired=TRUE. o Updated the functions enormCensored() and elnormCensored(): -- The argument 'method' now accepts the values "ROS" and "rROS" (i.e., you can set method="ROS" or method="rROS"). ++ The ROS method denotes the Regression on Order Statistics method. This method is equivalent to the already existing method Quantile-Quantile Regression (method ="qq.reg"). ++ The rROS method denotes the robust Regression on Order Statistics method. This method is equivalent to the already existing method Imputation Using Quantile-Quantile Regression (method ="impute.w.qq.reg"). o Updated the function elnormAltCensored(): -- The argument 'method' now accepts the value "rROS" (i.e., you can set method="rROS"), denoting the robust Regression on Order Statistics method. This method is equivalent to the already existing method Imputation Using Quantile-Quantile Regression (method ="impute.w.qq.reg"). =================================================================================== Changes in Version 2.1.0, 2016.04.18: o Added the datasets ACE.13.TCE.df and Helsel.Hirsch.02.Mayfly.df. o Updated summaryStats(): -- Fixed bug so it does not return an error when the argument 'object' is a logical or character vector. -- Fixed bug so it uses the argument test.arg.list in the case when there are 2 groups, test="parametric", and group.p.value.type="within". -- When p.value=TRUE and there are 2 groups, added estimate of difference in location to output: when test="parametric" shows the difference between the means, and when test="nonparametric" shows the median of the difference between a sample from group 1 and a sample from group 2. o Updated stripChart(): -- Takes new argument 'plot.diff' applicable to the case when there are 2 groups. ++ When plot.diff=TRUE and paired=FALSE, the confidence interval for the difference between the two locations is displayed and the right axis (when vertical=TRUE) or top axis (when vertical=FALSE) is labeled in units of the confidence interval for the difference between the two locations. ++ When plot.diff=TRUE and paired=TRUE, the paired differences are displayed and the right axis (when vertical=TRUE) or top axis (when vertical=FALSE) is labeled in units of the paired differences. In addition, if, the confidence interval based on the paired differences is displayed. -- Takes new argument 'paired' applicable to the case when there are 2 groups that are paired observations. ++ When paired=TRUE and p.value=TRUE, the paired t-test or paired Wilcoxon test is performed. -- Takes new argument 'paired.lines'. When paired=TRUE and paired.lines=TRUE, lines are drawn between the paired observations. -- Takes new argument 'paired.lty'. When paired=TRUE and paired.lines=TRUE, paired.lty is a vector indicating the line types to use to distinguish different paired observations. -- Takes new argument 'paired.lwd'. When paired=TRUE and paired.lines=TRUE, paired.lwd is a scalar or vector indicating the width of the lines used to distinguish different paired observations. -- Takes new argument 'paired.pch'. When paired=TRUE and paired.lines=TRUE, paired.pch is a vector indicating the plotting symbols to use to distinguish different paired observations. -- Takes new argument 'paired.col'. When paired=TRUE and paired.lines=TRUE, paired.col is a vector indicating the color of the lines and/or plotting symbols to use to distinguish different paired observations. This argument overrides the argument 'col'. -- Takes new argument 'diff.col'. ++ When plot.diff=TRUE and paired=TRUE, diff.col indicates the color of the displayed paired differences and the color of the confidence interval when ++ When plot.diff=TRUE and paired=FALSE, diff.col indicates the color of the confidence interval for the difference between the two means when ++ This argument overrides the argument 'col'. -- Takes new argument 'diff.pch'. ++ When plot.diff=TRUE and paired=TRUE, diff.pch indicates the plotting symbol for the displayed paired differences. ++ This argument overrides the argument 'pch'. -- Takes new arguments '', '', and 'diff.axis.label'. ++ When plot.diff=TRUE, is a character string indicating the the label for the difference between the two groups. The default value is Group 2 Name - Group 1 Name where Group 1 Name and Group 2 Name indicate the name of the first and second groups, respectively. ++ When plot.diff=TRUE, is a numeric scalar indicating what value of cex to use to plot the character indicating the estimate of of the difference between groups 1 and 2. ++ When plot.diff=TRUE, diff.axis.label is a character string indicating the the label for the axis associated with the difference between the two groups. The default value is "Difference Between Groups" when paired=FALSE, and "Paired Difference" when paired=TRUE. -- Takes new arguments 'diff.lim' and ''. ++ When plot.diff=TRUE, diff.lim is a numeric vector of length 2 indicating the limits to use for the axis associated with the difference between the two groups. ++ When plot.diff=TRUE, is a numeric vector indicating where to place tick marks on the axis associated with the difference between the two groups. -- Takes new arguments 'sep.line', 'sep.lty', 'sep.lwd', and 'sep.col'. ++ When plot.diff=TRUE, sep.line is a logical scalar indicating whether to draw a line between the second group and the difference between groups 1 and 2. The default value is sep.line=TRUE. ++ When plot.diff=TRUE, sep.lty is a numeric scalar indicating the line type to use to draw the line between the second group and difference between groups 1 and 2. The default value is sep.lty=2. ++ When plot.diff=TRUE, sep.lwd is a numeric scalar indicating the width of the line to draw between the second group and difference between groups 1 and 2. The default value is sep.lwd=cex. ++ When plot.diff=TRUE, sep.col is a numeric scalar or character string indicating the color of the line to draw between the second group and difference between groups 1 and 2. The default value is sep.col="gray". -- Takes new arguments 'plot.diff.mar'. ++ When plot.diff=TRUE and add = FALSE, plot.diff.mar is a numeric vector of length 4 indicating the value of the mar graphics parameter to use for the plot. The default value is c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 4.1), which differs from the usual default value in that the value for side 4 is 4.1 instead of 2.1. This allows for room to add an axis and axis label on side 4 indicating that that axis represents the difference between the 2 groups. o Updated help files and fixed formatting issues in the PDF version. =================================================================================== Changes in Version 2.0.2, 2015.11.17: o Updated rosnerTest() and help file: -- The minimum number of non-missing, finite values in the argument x can now be 3 instead of 10. -- An updated version of Rosner's (1983) Table 1 is given in the help file. The table shows the observed Type I error levels for various combinations of sample sizes and values of k. -- The conditions for when a warning is issued when warn=TRUE have been slightly altered. See the help file for more information. o Fixed bugs in stripChart.default() so that -- The title indicates the correct test when the argument test.arg.list includes the component paired=TRUE. -- Does not return an error when the first argument is not a formula and there are missing values and p.value=TRUE. o Updated help files and fixed formatting issues in the PDF version. =================================================================================== Changes in Version 2.0.1, 2015.05.24: o Updated stripChart() by adding the arguments and nsmall. See the help file for details. o Fixed bug in summaryStats.formula() so that it will correctly deal with a character or logical vector as its first argument. o Fixed bug in errorBar() so that it does not pass high-level graphics arguments to segments(). o Updated help files and fixed formatting issues in the PDF version. =================================================================================== Changes in Version 2.0.0, 2015.03.09: o EnvStats contains a modified version of the R function predict.lm(). To comply with CRAN policy, added the generic function predict() and the function predict.default(), and also updated the already existing (within EnvStats) predict.lm() function. o EnvStats contains a modified version of the R function print.htest(). To comply with CRAN policy, added the generic function print() and the function print.default(). o Included the function errorBar() in the NAMESPACE. This function allows the user to plot error bars. See the help file for more information. o Updated the function calibrate() to return an object of class "calibrate" which inherits from class "lm". o Included the function print.gofOutlier() in the NAMESPACE so that the results print correctly for the function rosnerTest() to perform Rosner's test for outliers assuming a normal (Gaussian) distribution. o Updated summaryStats() so that it will accept a character or logical vector as its first argument. o Updated stripChart() so that it will accept a numeric matrix as its first argument. o Fixed a bug in the function elnorm3() for the case when method="lmle". (Thanks to Jon Hosking for pointing this out!). o Fixed formatting problems in the PDF version of the help files. =================================================================================== Changes in Version 1.0.3, 2014.10.20: o Added the function rosnerTest to perform Rosner's test for outliers in a normal (Gaussian) distribution. o Modified the function stripChart(): - The argument ci.offset is now allowed to be either a scalar or a vector of length equal to the number of groups. - A new argument group.names.cex has been added to give explicit control over the size of the group labels. o Fixed a bug in gofTestCensored() for the case when the data contain only one censored observation and the censored observation is larger than the smallest non-censored observation for left-censored data or is smaller than the largest non-censored observation for right-censored data. o Fixed a bug in anovaPE() that allowed the user to attempt to compute a lack-of-fit and pure error anova table when there are not enough degrees of freedom to do so. o Fixed a bug in calibrate() to allow only models with enough degrees of freedom to be tested for lack-of-fit via anovaPE. Also added the arguments test.higher.orders and F.test. o Modified detectionLimitCalibrate() as follows: + now returns not just the detection limit but both the decision limit (on the scale of the signal) and the detection limit (on the scale of the concentration). + changed the default value for the argument simultaneous to simultaneous=TRUE. o Fixed a bug in signTest: values equal to the the argument mu were not being discarded. (Thanks to Ed Gilroy for pointing this out!). o Fixed a bug in enparCensored: error message appeared when ci.method="bootstrap". (Thanks to Dennis Helsel for pointing this out!). o Fixed a bug in enormCensored when method="mle", ci=TRUE, ci.method="normal.approx", and ci.type="lower" or ci.type="upper": LCL and UCL were switched. (Thanks to Dennis Helsel for pointing this out!). o For enormCensored, elnormCensored, elnormAltCensored, egammaCensored, egammaAltCensored, and epoisCensored, one-sided confidence intervals are now available when ci.method="profile.likelihood". o For enparCensored, enormCensored, elnormCensored, elnormAltCensored, egammaCensored, egammaAltCensored, and epoisCensored, arguments and results returned when ci.method="bootstrap" have been updated: + The argument use.acc.con has been deprecated. Bias-corrected and accelerated (BCa) bootstrap results are now always computed where the acceleration constant is estimated rather than allowing the user to set it to 0 (i.e., setting use.acc.con=FALSE in older versions of EnvStats). Note that 1) code that explicitly set use.acc.con=FALSE will no longer work for these functions, and 2) use.acc.con=FALSE was the default so results run previously will not match what is now returned (even if the random seed is set to the same value as was used before). + The argument ci.type is now allowed to be "lower" or "upper". + As before, there are two sets of confidence limits that are returned: * percentile confidence limits (denoted Pct.LCL and Pct.UCL) and * bias-corrected and accelerated confidence limits (denoted BCa.LCL and BCa.UCL) + For enparCensored, a third set of confidence limits are also returned: * studentized confidence limits (denoted t.LCL and t.UCL) o Fixed bugs in oneSamplePermutationTest and twoSamplePermutationTestLocation: the default value of the argument seed is now set to seed=NULL. o Fixed a bug in kendallSeasonalTrendTest: an error message appeared when the argument 'y' was supplied as a matrix and independent.obs=FALSE. o Change all calls to the EnvStats global variable Distribution.df to EnvStats::Distribution.df. o Fixed formatting problems in the PDF version of the help files. =================================================================================== Changes in Version 1.0.2, 2013.10.29: o Changed the names of functions used for minimization in the following functions: ciBinomN.vec, elnorm3, enormMultiplyCensored.mle, enormSinglyCensored.mle, predIntPois =================================================================================== Changes in Version 1.0.1: o Fixed bugs in the following functions that had misspelled variable names or variables that had not been defined: ci.gamma.chisq.approx,, ciBinomN, eqlnorm, plot.gofCensored, ppccNormMultiplyCensoredGofTest, ppccNormSinglyCensoredGofTest, predIntPois, print.boxcox, print.boxcoxCensored =================================================================================== Changes in Version 1.0.0 o The current version of EnvStats is Version 1.0.0. o EnvStats is built upon Version 2.0 of the S-PLUS module "EnvironmentalStats for S-PLUS". It includes numerous additions and changes. o Function and data object names in EnvStats differ from those in EnvironmentalStats for S-PLUS. All objects that begin with an upper case letter are data objects, and all functions begin with a lower case letter. So for example, all data objects that began with "epa." in EnvironmentalStats for S-PLUS begin with "EPA." in EnvStats. o For former EnvironmentalStats for S-PLUS users, here are the name conversions for the functions: Old Name New Name -------- -------- anovaPE aov.n aovN aov.power aovPower boxcox.multiply.censored Embeded in boxcoxCensored boxcox.singly.censored Embeded in boxcoxCensored boxcox.transform boxcoxTransform cdfCompare cdfCompareCensored cdfplot cdfPlot chen.t.test chenTTest chisq.gof Embedded in gofTest ci.binom.half.width ciBinomHalfWidth ci.binom.n ciBinomN ci.norm.half.width ciNormHalfWidth ci.norm.n ciNormN ci.npar.conf.level ciNparConfLevel ci.npar.n ciNparN detection.limit.calibrate detectionLimitCalibrate dlnorm.alt dlnormAlt dlnorm.mix dlnormMix dlnorm.mix.alt dlnormMixAlt dlnorm.trunc dlnormTrunc dlnorm.trunc.alt dlnormTruncAlt dnorm.mix dnormMix dnorm.trunc dnormTrunc dzmlnorm.alt dzmlnormAlt ecdplot ecdfPlot ecdfplot.censored ecdfPlotCensored elnorm.alt elnormAlt elnorm.alt.multiply.censored Embeded in elnormAltCensored elnorm.alt.singly.censored Embeded in elnormAltCensored elnorm.multiply.censored Embeded in elnormCensored elnorm.singly.censored Embeded in elnormCensored enorm.multiply.censored Embeded in enormCensored enorm.singly.censored Embeded in enormCensored enpar.censored enparCensored epdfplot epdfPlot epois.multiply.censored Embeded in epoisCensored epois.singly.censored Embeded in epoisCensored errorBar ev.norm.ord.stats evNormOrdStats ev.norm.ord.stats.scalar evNormOrdStatsScalar ezmlnorm.alt ezmlnormAlt full.summary summaryFull geo.mean geoMean geoSD pdfplot pdfPlot inverse.predict.calibrate inversePredictCalibrate kendall.trend.test kendallTrendTest ks.gof Embedded in gofTest l.moment lMoment linear.trend.test.n linearTrendTestN linear.trend.test.power linearTrendTestPower linear.trend.test.scaled.mds linearTrendTestScaledMds log.choose.multinomial logChooseMultinomial one.sample.permutation.test oneSamplePermutationTest pdfplot pdfPlot plnorm.alt plnormAlt plnorm.mix plnormMix plnorm.mix.alt plnormMixAlt plnorm.trunc plnormTrunc plnorm.trunc.alt plnormTruncAlt plotAovDesign plotCiBinomDesign plotCiNormDesign plotCiNparDesign plotLinearTrendTestDesign plot.permutation.test plot.permutationTest plotPredIntLnormAltSimultaneousTestPowerCurve plotPredIntLnormAltTestPowerCurve plotPredIntNormDesign plotPredIntNormSimultaneousTestPowerCurve plotPredIntNormTestPowerCurve plotPredIntNparDesign plotPredIntNparSimultaneousDesign plotPredIntNparSimultaneousTestPowerCurve plotPropTestDesign plotTTestDesign plotTTestLnormAltDesign plotTolIntNormDesign plotTolIntNparDesign pnorm.mix pnormMix pnorm.trunc pnormTrunc ppcc.evd.gof Embedded in gofTest ppcc.norm.gof Embedded in gofTest Embedded in gofGroupTest ppcc.norm.multiply.censored.gof Embedded in gofCensoredTest ppcc.norm.singly.censored.gof Embedded in gofCensoredTest ppoints.censored ppointCensored predIntLnorm predIntLnormAltSimultaneousTestPower predIntLnormAltTestPower predIntLnormSimultaneous predIntNorm predIntNormHalfWidth predIntNormK predIntNormN predIntNormSimultaneous predIntNormSimultaneousK predIntNormSimultaneousTestPower predIntNormTestPower predIntNpar predIntNparConfLevel predIntNparN predIntNparSimultaneous predIntNparSimultaneousConfLevel predIntNparSimultaneousN predIntNparSimultaneousTestPower predIntPois prop.test.mdd propTestMdd prop.test.n propTestN prop.test.power propTestPower pw.moment pwMoment pzmlnorm.alt pzmlnormAlt qlnorm.alt qlnormAlt qlnorm.mix qlnormMix qlnorm.mix.alt qlnormMixAlt qlnorm.trunc qlnormTrunc qlnorm.trunc.alt qlnormTruncAlt qnorm.mix qnormMix qnorm.trunc qnormTrunc qqline qqLine qqplot qqPlot qqplot.gestalt qqPlotGestalt qqplot.censored qqPlotCensored quantile.test quantileTest qzmlnorm.alt qzmlnormAlt rlnorm.alt rlnormAlt rlnorm.mix rlnormMix rlnorm.mix.alt rlnormMixAlt rlnorm.trunc rlnormTrunc rlnorm.trunc.alt rlnormTruncAlt rnorm.mix rnormMix rnorm.trunc rnormTrunc rzmlnorm.alt rzmlnormAlt seasonal.kendall.trend.test kendallSeasonalTrendTest serial.correlation.test serialCorrelationTest sf.gof Embedded in gofTest Embedded in gofGroupTest sf.multiply.censored.gof Embedded in gofCensoredTest sf.singly.censored.gof Embedded in gofCensoredTest sign.test signTest simulateMvMatrix simulate.vector simulateVector skew.gof Embedded in gofTest sw.gof Embedded in gofTest Embedded in gofGroupTest sw.singly.censored.gof Embedded in gofCensoredTest t.test.n tTestN t.test.power tTestPower t.test.scaled.mdd tTestScaledMdd t.test.lnorm.alt.n tTestLnormAltN t.test.lnorm.alt.power tTestLnormAltPower t.test.lnorm.alt.ratio.of.means tTestLnormAltRatioOfMeans tolIntLnorm tolIntNorm tolIntNormHalfWidth tolIntNormK tolIntNormN tolIntNpar tolIntNparConfLevel tolIntNparCoverage tolIntNparN tolIntPois two.sample.linear.rank.test twoSampleLinearRankTest two.sample.linear.rank.test.censored twoSampleLinearRankTestCensored two.sample.permutation.test.location twoSamplePermutationTestLocation two.sample.permutation.test.proportion twoSamplePermuationTestProportion varGroupTest var.test varTest z.test.gevd.shape zTestGevdShape