--- title: "Get started" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{get_started} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", fig.path = "man/figures/README-", out.width = "100%" ) ``` # CRediTas The goal of CRediTas is to facilitate the tedious job of creating [CRediT authors statements](https://credit.niso.org/) for scientific publications. ## Installation You can install the development version of CRediTas from [r-universe](https://r-universe.dev) with: ``` r install.packages("CRediTas", repos = "https://ropensci.r-universe.dev") ``` ## Create a template The workflow is meant to work with three basic functions. First, we create a template table. It can be created as a `data.frame` and being populated in R. ```{r create_template} library(CRediTas) cras_table <- template_create(authors = c("Friedrich Ratzel", "Pau Vidal de la Blache", "Élisée Reclus")) knitr::kable(cras_table) ``` As you can see, the table is empty. So you must provide the information of who did what. To do this, you can use the `fix` function to edit directly in R: ```{r fix, eval=FALSE} fix(cras_table) ``` Alternatively, you can write the template as a csv file and then populate it in your preferred csv editor. ```{r write_csv, eval=FALSE} template_create(authors = c("Friedrich Ratzel", "Pau Vidal de la Blache", "Élisée Reclus"), file = path_to_your_csv_file) ``` Additionally, you can also define the roles to be included in the template. If `roles` is no specified, the roles recommended by the CRediT system are all included: ```{r define_roles} cras_got <- template_create(authors = c("Danaerys Targaryen", "Kingslayer", "John Snow"), roles = c("Free slaves", "Kill white walkers", "Ride dragons")) # add contribution roles cras_got[-2, -1] <- 1 knitr::kable(cras_got) ``` ## Read a template If you wrote the template to a file, then you can read it back to R as follows: ```{r template_read, eval=FALSE} cras_table <- template_read(path_to_your_csv_file) ``` ## Generate the CRediT author statement Once the `cras_table` is populated, for instance: ```{r populate_random, echo=FALSE} cras_table[, 2:ncol(cras_table)] <- sample(0:1, size=3*14, replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.6, 0.4)) knitr::kable(cras_table) ``` A text file can be generated following the CRediT author statement format. ```{r} textfile <- tempfile() cras_write(cras_table, textfile, markdown = TRUE) ``` If you open the text file, you will find this: `r readLines(textfile)` Moreover, if you are writing your paper in RMarkdown or quarto, you can insert the CRediT author statement directly in the text using an inline chunk `` `r cras_write(cras_table, markdown = TRUE)` ``. ### Do not drop authors without contributions In some cases, one or several authors did not contribute to any specific role. The `drop` arguments determines if they must be removed from the statement. If `drop = TRUE` (default), the authors are removed. Otherwise, they are kept without contributions as below. ```{r, eval = FALSE} cras_write(cras_got, drop = FALSE, markdown = TRUE) ``` `r cras_write(cras_got, drop = FALSE, markdown = TRUE)`