title: "Get started"
output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
vignette: >
```{r, include = FALSE}
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>",
fig.path = "man/figures/README-",
out.width = "100%"
# CRediTas
The goal of CRediTas is to facilitate the tedious job of creating [CRediT authors statements](https://credit.niso.org/) for scientific publications.
## Installation
You can install the development version of CRediTas from [r-universe](https://r-universe.dev) with:
``` r
install.packages("CRediTas", repos = "https://ropensci.r-universe.dev")
## Create a template
The workflow is meant to work with three basic functions. First, we create a template table. It can be created as a `data.frame` and being populated in R.
```{r create_template}
cras_table <- template_create(authors = c("Friedrich Ratzel",
"Pau Vidal de la Blache",
"Élisée Reclus"))
As you can see, the table is empty. So you must provide the information of who did what. To do this, you can use the `fix` function to edit directly in R:
```{r fix, eval=FALSE}
Alternatively, you can write the template as a csv file and then populate it in your preferred csv editor.
```{r write_csv, eval=FALSE}
template_create(authors = c("Friedrich Ratzel",
"Pau Vidal de la Blache",
"Élisée Reclus"),
file = path_to_your_csv_file)
Additionally, you can also define the roles to be included in the template. If `roles` is no specified, the roles recommended by the CRediT system are all included:
```{r define_roles}
cras_got <- template_create(authors = c("Danaerys Targaryen", "Kingslayer", "John Snow"),
roles = c("Free slaves", "Kill white walkers", "Ride dragons"))
# add contribution roles
cras_got[-2, -1] <- 1
## Read a template
If you wrote the template to a file, then you can read it back to R as follows:
```{r template_read, eval=FALSE}
cras_table <- template_read(path_to_your_csv_file)
## Generate the CRediT author statement
Once the `cras_table` is populated, for instance:
```{r populate_random, echo=FALSE}
cras_table[, 2:ncol(cras_table)] <- sample(0:1, size=3*14,
replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.6, 0.4))
A text file can be generated following the CRediT author statement format.
textfile <- tempfile()
cras_write(cras_table, textfile, markdown = TRUE)
If you open the text file, you will find this:
`r readLines(textfile)`
Moreover, if you are writing your paper in RMarkdown or quarto, you can insert the CRediT author statement directly in the text using an inline chunk `` `r
cras_write(cras_table, markdown = TRUE)` ``.
### Do not drop authors without contributions
In some cases, one or several authors did not contribute to any specific role. The `drop` arguments determines if they must be removed from the statement. If `drop = TRUE` (default), the authors are removed. Otherwise, they are kept without contributions as below.
```{r, eval = FALSE}
cras_write(cras_got, drop = FALSE, markdown = TRUE)
`r cras_write(cras_got, drop = FALSE, markdown = TRUE)`