--- title: "Use Case 02: Simulation of trials with geographical spillover" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette: toc: true vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Use Case 02: Simulation of trials with geographical spillover} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- Effects of settlement patterns, choices of cluster size and buffer widths, and the extent of spillover between arms on the outcomes of CRTs do not lend themselves to mathematical analysis. Simulations of trials are used to explore the effects of these variables on trial power and on the robustness of statistical methodologies. Trials can be simulated using the `simulateCRT` function, which augments a `trial` data frame (created externally) or object of class `CRTsp` (created by package functions) with simulated outcome data. The input object must be given location information and both cluster and arm assignments (see [Use Case 1](Usecase1.html)) (or the package can generate these if the objective is purely simulation. Information about the underlying spatial pattern of disease is used in the form of the intra-cluster correlation of the outcome, which is input to the simulation as variable `ICC_inp`, and of the `propensity`. The former takes a single value for the chosen design. The latter takes a positive real value for each location. In the case of malaria, `propensity` can be thought of as measuring exposure to infectious mosquitoes. `ICC_inp` and `propensity` may either be estimated from other datasets or supplied by the user. The behaviour of the function depends on which variables are supplied, and the value of `generateBaseline`, as follows: | Data supplied by the user | Function behaviour | |:-------------------|:--------------------------| |`propensity` supplied by user|Baseline data are created by sampling around `propensity`| |Baseline data are supplied by user and `propensity` is not supplied |`propensity` is created from the baseline data| |Neither baseline data nor `propensity` are supplied |`propensity` is generated using normal kernels, with the bandwidth adjusted to achieve the input value of the `ICC_inp` (after the further smoothing stage to simulate spillover (see below))| The effect of intervention is simulated as a fixed percentage reduction in the `propensity`. Contamination or spillover between trial arms is then modelled as a additional smoothing process applied to the intervention-adjusted `propensity` via a further bivariate normal kernel. In the case of mosquito borne disease this is proposed as an approximation to the effect of mosquito movement. The degree of spillover is specified either as a spillover interval with the `spillover_interval` parameter, or as `sd`, the bandwidth of the corresponding normal kernel. If both are provided then it is the value of `spillover_interval` that is used. #### Example with baseline data provided as proportions ``` r library(CRTspat) set.seed(1234) example_locations <- readdata('example_site.csv') example_locations$base_denom <- 1 library(dplyr) example_randomized <- CRTsp(example_locations) %>% aggregateCRT(auxiliaries = c("RDT_test_result", "base_denom")) %>% specify_clusters(h = 50, algorithm = 'NN') %>% randomizeCRT(matchedPair = FALSE) summary(example_randomized) ``` ``` ## ===============================CLUSTER RANDOMISED TRIAL =========================== ## ## Summary of coordinates ## ---------------------- ## Min. : 1st Qu.: Median : Mean : 3rd Qu.: Max. : ## x -3.20 -1.40 -0.30 -0.07 1.26 5.16 ## y -5.08 -2.84 0.19 0.05 2.49 6.16 ## nearestDiscord -3.47 -0.49 0.04 0.14 0.74 3.30 ## ## Total area (within 0.2 km of a location) : 27.6 sq.km ## Total area (convex hull) : 48.2 sq.km ## ## Locations and Clusters ## ---------------------- - ## Coordinate system (x, y) ## Locations: 1181 ## Available clusters (across both arms) 24 ## Per cluster mean number of points 49.2 ## Per cluster s.d. number of points 3.9 ## Cluster randomization: Independently randomized ## No power calculations to report - ## ## Other variables in dataset ## -------------------------- RDT_test_result base_denom ``` ``` r plotCRT(example_randomized, map = TRUE, legend.position = c(0.8, 0.8)) example2a <- simulateCRT(example_randomized, effect = 0.8, outcome0 = 0.5, generateBaseline = FALSE, baselineNumerator = "RDT_test_result", baselineDenominator = "base_denom", ICC_inp = 0.05, spillover_interval = 0.8) summary(example2a) ``` ``` ## ===============================CLUSTER RANDOMISED TRIAL =========================== ## ## Summary of coordinates ## ---------------------- ## Min. : 1st Qu.: Median : Mean : 3rd Qu.: Max. : ## x -3.20 -1.40 -0.30 -0.07 1.26 5.16 ## y -5.08 -2.84 0.19 0.05 2.49 6.16 ## nearestDiscord -3.47 -0.49 0.04 0.14 0.74 3.30 ## ## Total area (within 0.2 km of a location) : 27.6 sq.km ## Total area (convex hull) : 48.2 sq.km ## ## Locations and Clusters ## ---------------------- - ## Coordinate system (x, y) ## Locations: 1181 ## Available clusters (across both arms) 24 ## Per cluster mean number of points 49.2 ## Per cluster s.d. number of points 3.9 ## Cluster randomization: Independently randomized ## No power calculations to report - ## ## Other variables in dataset ## -------------------------- RDT_test_result base_denom denom propensity num ``` ``` r library(Matrix) examplemesh100 <- readdata("examplemesh100.rds") example2aanalysis <- CRTanalysis(trial=example2a, method = 'T') summary(example2aanalysis) ``` ``` ## ## =====================CLUSTER RANDOMISED TRIAL ANALYSIS ================= ## Analysis method: T ## Link function: logit ## Model formula: arm + (1 | cluster) ## No modelling of spillover ## Estimates: Control: 0.386 (95% CL: 0.301 0.478 ) ## Intervention: 0.191 (95% CL: 0.131 0.269 ) ## Efficacy: 0.506 (95% CL: 0.351 0.784 ) ## Coefficient of variation: 49.3 % (95% CL: 36.5 77.5 ) ## ## P-value (2-sided): 0.001224732 ``` ``` r plotCRT(example2aanalysis) example2aINLA <- CRTanalysis(trial=example2a, method = 'INLA', link='logit', cfunc = 'Z', clusterEffects = FALSE, spatialEffects = TRUE, requireMesh = TRUE, inla_mesh = examplemesh100) plotCRT(example2aINLA, map = TRUE, fill = 'prediction', showClusterBoundaries = TRUE, legend.position = c(0.8, 0.8)) ```
Fig 2.1 Map of allocations of clusters to arms
Fig 2.2 Plot of data by distance to other arm
Fig 2.3 Smoothed outcome from geostatistical model
Fig 2.4 Map of clusters in simulated trial