Changes in 8.0: - Faster parser for the formula interface. - Transdapter for handling missing values with importance sources which do not support them. - Transdapter for applying decoherence transformation to input. - Transdapter for conditining importance. - Vignette about transdapters. - TentativeRoughFix fixed to work properly with a single Tentative feature. Changes in 7.0: - Migration from NotABug to GitLab. - Improved testing. - Improved Xgboost adapter. - Xgboost adapter fixed to pass `...` to xgboost function. (Thanks to `ObsoleteVersion` for spotting this) Changes in 6.0: - Migration from GitHub to NotABug. - Additional verbosity level, doTrace=3. - `Boruta for those in a hurry` vignette. - Extra-trees importance. Changes in 5.3: - Xgboost importance. - Codebase modernisation. Changes in 5.2: - New status messages, including proper grammar and a count of still undecided attributes. (Thanks to Aristide Mooyaart for suggesting this) - Boruta to formula conversion functions (getConfirmedFormula, getNonRejectedFormula) are back, after a silent disappearance in the 2.0 version. (Thanks to Marco Niemann) - Documentation fixes. Changes in 5.1: - Documentation fix. (Thanks to Andrew Slack-Smith for spotting the problem) - ranger VIM providers fixed to support survival problems. (Thanks to James Iremonger for spotting this) - Various documentation updates. - Code and issues on GitHub. Changes in 5.0: - ranger RF implementation replaced randomForest in default importance providers, bringing speed and parallel processing capabilities. Results should be the same, but there may be minor differences. Using getImp=getImpLegacyRfZ restores legacy behaviour. See ?getImpLegacyRf for a further discussion. - Names of columns in the attStats output changed to reflect the fact that Boruta may use arbitrary importance source. - Documentation fixes, better organisation of code over files. Changes in 4.0: - Initial rounds were dropped from the algorithm, as they seem redundant after implementation of a proper p-value adjustment. This should provide noticeable speed-up, however the results may be different than in previous versions. - TentativeRoughFix interface changes in order to adapt to the change mentioned above. - Output of the importance source is validated, so that wrong values will be clearly reported. - Code clean-up. Changes in 3.1: - Better status messages. Changes in 3.0: - More importance adapters defined. - Fixed TentativeRoughFix() bug making this function always return the original Boruta object without any modification. - Built-in multiple-comparisons correction, which breaks compatibility with older version of Boruta. Use pValue=0.001 and mcAdj=FALSE to trigger the legacy behaviour. - Experimental, "forced" mode of Boruta dropped. It is equivalent to fixing light argument of Boruta function to TRUE, its previously default value. Changes in 2.1: - Fixed attStats() bug making withTentative argument behave opposite to what it should do. (Thanks to Jitao David Zhang for spotting this) Changes in 2.0: - Allowed to replace randomForest with other importance source. - Changes in output; "rand" attributes are now called "shadow" ones. - ZScoreHistory is now ImpHistory; some scripts and old Boruta objects may become incompatible. - Documentation updates. - Formulae export functions become private. Changes in 1.5: - Improved performance of dealing with huge inputs. - Removed redundant decisionHistory from output. Changes in 1.4: - Fixed manual entry suggesting that Boruta can only work for classification problems. (Thanks to Allan Engelhardt for spotting this) - Fixed an error occurring when all attributes are claimed Rejected during one of the initial rounds. (Thanks to Allan Engelhardt for spotting this) Changes in 1.3: - Fixes to the output. (Thanks to Achim Zeileis for suggesting them) Changes in 1.2: - New plotting function plotZHistory. - Changes in manual. Changes in 1.1: - Fixed a bug making get*Formula functions throw error when Boruta was run with formula provided as a variable. - Fixed minor documentation inconsistency. Changes in 1.0: - First public release.