## ---- echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, results='hide'---------------- # Various Rmarkdown output options: # center figures and reduce their file size: knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.align = "center", dpi=100, dev="jpeg"); ## ---- echo=TRUE, results='asis'----------------------------------------------- # Load the AdhereR library: library(AdhereR); # Select the two patients with IDs 37 and 76 from the built-in dataset "med.events": ExamplePats <- med.events[med.events$PATIENT_ID %in% c(37, 76), ]; # Display them as pretty markdown table: knitr::kable(ExamplePats, caption = "**Table 1.** Medication events for two example patients"); ## ---- echo=TRUE, fig.show='hold', fig.cap = "**Figure 1.** Medication histories - two example patients", fig.height=6, fig.width=8, out.width="100%"---- # Create an object "cma0" of the most basic CMA type, "CMA0": cma0 <- CMA0(data=ExamplePats, # use the two selected patients ID.colname="PATIENT_ID", # the name of the column containing the IDs event.date.colname="DATE", # the name of the column containing the event date event.duration.colname="DURATION", # the name of the column containing the duration event.daily.dose.colname="PERDAY", # the name of the column containing the dosage medication.class.colname="CATEGORY", # the name of the column containing the category followup.window.start=0, # FUW start in days since earliest event observation.window.start=182, # OW start in days since earliest event observation.window.duration=365, # OW duration in days date.format="%m/%d/%Y"); # date format (mm/dd/yyyy) # Plot the object (CMA0 shows the actual event data only): plot(cma0, # the object to plot align.all.patients=TRUE); # align all patients for easier comparison ## ---- echo=TRUE, fig.show='hold', fig.cap = "**Figure 1 (a).** Same plot as in **Figure 1**, but also showing the daily doses as numbers and as line thickness", fig.height=6, fig.width=8, out.width="100%"---- # Same plot as above but also showing the daily doses: plot(cma0, # the object to plot print.dose=TRUE, plot.dose=TRUE, align.all.patients=TRUE); # align all patients for easier comparison ## ---- echo=TRUE, results='asis'----------------------------------------------- # Compute the treatment episodes for the two patients: TEs3<- compute.treatment.episodes(ExamplePats, ID.colname="PATIENT_ID", event.date.colname="DATE", event.duration.colname="DURATION", event.daily.dose.colname="PERDAY", medication.class.colname="CATEGORY", carryover.within.obs.window = TRUE, # carry-over into the OW carry.only.for.same.medication = TRUE, # & only for same type consider.dosage.change = TRUE, # dosage change starts new episode... medication.change.means.new.treatment.episode = TRUE, # & type change maximum.permissible.gap = 180, # & a gap longer than 180 days maximum.permissible.gap.unit = "days", # unit for the above (days) followup.window.start = 0, # 2-years FUW starts at earliest event followup.window.start.unit = "days", followup.window.duration = 365 * 2, followup.window.duration.unit = "days", date.format = "%m/%d/%Y"); knitr::kable(TEs3, caption = "**Table 2.** Example output `compute.treatment.episodes()` function"); ## ---- echo=TRUE, results='asis'----------------------------------------------- # Compute the treatment episodes for the two patients # but now a change in medication type does not start a new episode: TEs4<- compute.treatment.episodes(ExamplePats, ID.colname="PATIENT_ID", event.date.colname="DATE", event.duration.colname="DURATION", event.daily.dose.colname="PERDAY", medication.class.colname="CATEGORY", carryover.within.obs.window = TRUE, carry.only.for.same.medication = TRUE, consider.dosage.change = TRUE, medication.change.means.new.treatment.episode = FALSE, # here maximum.permissible.gap = 180, maximum.permissible.gap.unit = "days", followup.window.start = 0, followup.window.start.unit = "days", followup.window.duration = 365 * 2, followup.window.duration.unit = "days", date.format = "%m/%d/%Y"); # Pretty print the events: knitr::kable(TEs4, caption = "**Table 3.** Alternative scenario output `compute.treatment.episodes()` function"); ## ---- echo=TRUE, fig.show='hold', fig.cap = "**Figure 2.** Simple CMA 1", fig.height=5, fig.width=7, out.width="100%"---- # Create the CMA1 object with the given parameters: cma1 <- CMA1(data=ExamplePats, ID.colname="PATIENT_ID", event.date.colname="DATE", event.duration.colname="DURATION", followup.window.start=0, observation.window.start=182, observation.window.duration=365, date.format="%m/%d/%Y"); # Display the summary: cma1 # Display the estimated CMA table: cma1$CMA # and equivalently using an accessor function: getCMA(cma1); # Compute the CMA value for patient 76, as percentage rounded at 2 digits: round(cma1$CMA[cma1$CMA$PATIENT_ID== 76, 2]*100, 2) # Plot the CMA: # The legend shows the actual duration, the days covered and gap days, # the drug (medication) type, the FUW and OW, and the estimated CMA. plot(cma1, patients.to.plot=c("76"), # plot only patient 76 legend.x=520); # place the legend in a nice way ## ---- echo=TRUE, fig.show='hold', fig.cap = "**Figure 3.** Simple CMA 2", fig.height=5, fig.width=7, out.width="100%"---- cma2 <- CMA2(data=ExamplePats, # we're estimating CMA2 now! ID.colname="PATIENT_ID", event.date.colname="DATE", event.duration.colname="DURATION", followup.window.start=0, observation.window.start=182, observation.window.duration=365, date.format="%m/%d/%Y"); plot(cma2, patients.to.plot=c("76"), show.legend=FALSE); # don't show legend to avoid clutter (see above) ## ---- echo=TRUE, fig.show='hold', fig.cap = "**Figure 4.** Simple CMA 3", fig.height=5, fig.width=7, out.width="100%"---- cma3 <- CMA3(data=ExamplePats, # we're estimating CMA3 now! ID.colname="PATIENT_ID", event.date.colname="DATE", event.duration.colname="DURATION", followup.window.start=0, observation.window.start=182, observation.window.duration=365, date.format="%m/%d/%Y"); plot(cma3, patients.to.plot=c("76"), show.legend=FALSE); ## ---- echo=TRUE, fig.show='hold', fig.cap = "**Figure 5.** Simple CMA 4", fig.height=5, fig.width=7, out.width="100%"---- cma4 <- CMA4(data=ExamplePats, # we're estimating CMA4 now! ID.colname="PATIENT_ID", event.date.colname="DATE", event.duration.colname="DURATION", followup.window.start=0, observation.window.start=182, observation.window.duration=365, date.format="%m/%d/%Y"); plot(cma4,patients.to.plot=c("76"), show.legend=FALSE); ## ---- echo=TRUE, fig.show='hold', fig.cap = "**Figure 6.** Simple CMA 5", fig.height=5, fig.width=7, out.width="100%"---- cma5 <- CMA5(data=ExamplePats, # we're estimating CMA5 now! ID.colname="PATIENT_ID", event.date.colname="DATE", event.duration.colname="DURATION", event.daily.dose.colname="PERDAY", medication.class.colname="CATEGORY", carry.only.for.same.medication=FALSE, # carry-over across medication types consider.dosage.change=FALSE, # don't consider canges in dosage followup.window.start=0, observation.window.start=182, observation.window.duration=365, date.format="%m/%d/%Y"); plot(cma5,patients.to.plot=c("76"), show.legend=FALSE); ## ---- echo=TRUE, fig.show='hold', fig.cap = "**Figure 7.** Simple CMA 6", fig.height=5, fig.width=7, out.width="100%"---- cma6 <- CMA6(data=ExamplePats, # we're estimating CMA6 now! ID.colname="PATIENT_ID", event.date.colname="DATE", event.duration.colname="DURATION", event.daily.dose.colname="PERDAY", medication.class.colname="CATEGORY", carry.only.for.same.medication=FALSE, consider.dosage.change=FALSE, followup.window.start=0, observation.window.start=182, observation.window.duration=365, date.format="%m/%d/%Y"); plot(cma6,patients.to.plot=c("76"), show.legend=FALSE); ## ---- echo=TRUE, fig.show='hold', fig.cap = "**Figure 7 (a).** Same plot as in **Figure 7**, but also showing the daily doses as numbers and as line thickness", fig.height=6, fig.width=8, out.width="100%"---- # Same plot as above but also showing the daily doses: plot(cma6, # the object to plot patients.to.plot=c("76"), # plot only patient 76 print.dose=TRUE, plot.dose=TRUE, legend.x=520); # place the legend in a nice way ## ---- echo=TRUE, fig.show='hold', fig.cap = "**Figure 8.** Simple CMA 7", fig.height=5, fig.width=7, out.width="100%"---- cma7 <- CMA7(data=ExamplePats, # we're estimating CMA7 now! ID.colname="PATIENT_ID", event.date.colname="DATE", event.duration.colname="DURATION", event.daily.dose.colname="PERDAY", medication.class.colname="CATEGORY", carry.only.for.same.medication=FALSE, consider.dosage.change=FALSE, followup.window.start=0, observation.window.start=182, observation.window.duration=365, date.format="%m/%d/%Y"); plot(cma7, patients.to.plot=c("76"), show.legend=FALSE); ## ---- echo=TRUE, fig.show='hold', fig.cap = "**Figure 9.** Simple CMA 8", fig.height=5, fig.width=7, out.width="100%"---- cma8 <- CMA8(data=ExamplePats, # we're estimating CMA8 now! ID.colname="PATIENT_ID", event.date.colname="DATE", event.duration.colname="DURATION", event.daily.dose.colname="PERDAY", medication.class.colname="CATEGORY", carry.only.for.same.medication=FALSE, consider.dosage.change=FALSE, followup.window.start=0, observation.window.start=374, observation.window.duration=294, date.format="%m/%d/%Y"); plot(cma8, patients.to.plot=c("76"), show.legend=FALSE); # The value for patient 76, rounded at 2 digits round(cma8$CMA[cma8$CMA$PATIENT_ID== 76, 2]*100, 2); ## ---- echo=TRUE, fig.show='hold', fig.cap = "**Figure 10.** Simple CMA 9", fig.height=5, fig.width=7, out.width="100%"---- cma9 <- CMA9(data=ExamplePats, # we're estimating CMA9 now! ID.colname="PATIENT_ID", event.date.colname="DATE", event.duration.colname="DURATION", event.daily.dose.colname="PERDAY", medication.class.colname="CATEGORY", carry.only.for.same.medication=FALSE, consider.dosage.change=FALSE, followup.window.start=0, observation.window.start=182, observation.window.duration=365, date.format="%m/%d/%Y"); plot(cma9, patients.to.plot=c("76"), show.legend=FALSE); ## ---- echo=TRUE, fig.show='hold', fig.cap = "**Figure 11.** CMA 9 per episode", fig.height=5, fig.width=7, out.width="100%", warning=FALSE---- cmaE <- CMA_per_episode(CMA="CMA9", # apply the simple CMA9 to each treatment episode data=ExamplePats, ID.colname="PATIENT_ID", event.date.colname="DATE", event.duration.colname="DURATION", event.daily.dose.colname="PERDAY", medication.class.colname="CATEGORY", carryover.within.obs.window = TRUE, carry.only.for.same.medication = FALSE, consider.dosage.change = FALSE, # conditions on treatment episodes medication.change.means.new.treatment.episode = TRUE, maximum.permissible.gap = 180, maximum.permissible.gap.unit = "days", followup.window.start=0, followup.window.start.unit = "days", followup.window.duration = 365 * 2, followup.window.duration.unit = "days", observation.window.start=0, observation.window.start.unit = "days", observation.window.duration=365*2, observation.window.duration.unit = "days", date.format="%m/%d/%Y", parallel.backend="none", parallel.threads=1); # Summary: cmaE; # The CMA estimates table: cmaE$CMA getCMA(cmaE); # as above but using accessor function # The values for patient 76 only, rounded at 2 digits: round(cmaE$CMA[cmaE$CMA$PATIENT_ID== 76, 7]*100, 2); # Plot: plot(cmaE, patients.to.plot=c("76"), show.legend=FALSE); ## ---- echo=TRUE, fig.show='hold', fig.cap = "**Figure 12.** Sliding window CMA 9", fig.height=5, fig.width=7, out.width="100%"---- cmaW <- CMA_sliding_window(CMA.to.apply="CMA9", # apply the simple CMA9 to each sliding window data=ExamplePats, ID.colname="PATIENT_ID", event.date.colname="DATE", event.duration.colname="DURATION", event.daily.dose.colname="PERDAY", medication.class.colname="CATEGORY", carry.only.for.same.medication=FALSE, consider.dosage.change=FALSE, followup.window.start=0, observation.window.start=0, observation.window.duration=365*2, sliding.window.start=0, # sliding windows definition sliding.window.start.unit="days", sliding.window.duration=120, sliding.window.duration.unit="days", sliding.window.step.duration=120, sliding.window.step.unit="days", date.format="%m/%d/%Y", parallel.backend="none", parallel.threads=1); # Summary: cmaW; # The CMA estimates table: cmaW$CMA getCMA(cmaW); # as above but using accessor function # The values for patient 76 only, rounded at 2 digits round(cmaW$CMA[cmaW$CMA$PATIENT_ID== 76, 5]*100, 2); # Plot: plot(cmaW, patients.to.plot=c("76"), show.legend=FALSE); ## ---- echo=FALSE, fig.show='hold', fig.cap = "**Figure 13.** Sliding window CMA 9", fig.height=5, fig.width=7, out.width="100%"---- cmaW1 <- CMA_sliding_window(CMA.to.apply="CMA9", data=ExamplePats, ID.colname="PATIENT_ID", event.date.colname="DATE", event.duration.colname="DURATION", event.daily.dose.colname="PERDAY", medication.class.colname="CATEGORY", carry.only.for.same.medication=FALSE, consider.dosage.change=FALSE, followup.window.start=0, observation.window.start=0, observation.window.duration=365*2, sliding.window.start=0, # different sliding windows sliding.window.start.unit="days", sliding.window.duration=120, sliding.window.duration.unit="days", sliding.window.step.duration=30, sliding.window.step.unit="days", date.format="%m/%d/%Y", parallel.backend="none", parallel.threads=1); # Plot: plot(cmaW1, patients.to.plot=c("76"), show.legend=FALSE); ## ---- echo=TRUE, fig.show='hold', fig.cap = "**Figure 14.** Per episodes with CMA 1, showing which events belong to which episode: for events, the number(s) between '[]' represent the event they belong to, while for an event, the number between '[]' is what the events use as its identifier. (e.g., the 3rd even from the left for patient 1 has a '[2]', meaning that it belongs to event '2', which is identified as such with a '[2]' immediately after is estimated CMA of '136%'). Please note that the same plot for CMA9 would be quite different, as the rules for which events are considered differ (e.g., the last events of the episodes would be included).", fig.height=7, fig.width=7, out.width="100%"---- cmaE <- CMA_per_episode(CMA="CMA1", data=med.events[med.events$PATIENT_ID %in% 1:2,], ID.colname="PATIENT_ID", event.date.colname="DATE", event.duration.colname="DURATION", event.daily.dose.colname="PERDAY", medication.class.colname="CATEGORY", followup.window.start=-90, observation.window.start=0, observation.window.duration=365, maximum.permissible.gap=10, return.mapping.events.episodes=TRUE, # ask for the mapping medication.change.means.new.treatment.episode=TRUE, date.format="%m/%d/%Y"); getEventsToEpisodesMapping(cmaE); # get the mapping (here, print it) plot(cmaE, align.all.patients=TRUE, print.dose.centered=TRUE, print.episode.or.sliding.window=TRUE); # show the mapping visually ## ---- echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- knitr::kable(head(med.events.ATC, n=5), row.names=FALSE, caption="First 5 lines of the `med.events.ATC` dataset."); ## ---- eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- # event_durations <- compute_event_durations(disp.data = durcomp.dispensing, # presc.data = durcomp.prescribing, # special.periods.data = durcomp.hospitalisation, # ID.colname = "ID", # presc.date.colname = "DATE.PRESC", # disp.date.colname = "DATE.DISP", # medication.class.colnames = c("ATC.CODE", "UNIT", "FORM"), # total.dose.colname = "TOTAL.DOSE", # presc.daily.dose.colname = "DAILY.DOSE", # presc.duration.colname = "PRESC.DURATION", # visit.colname = "VISIT", # split.on.dosage.change = TRUE, # force.init.presc = TRUE, # force.presc.renew = TRUE, # trt.interruption = "continue", # special.periods.method = "continue", # date.format = "%Y-%m-%d", # suppress.warnings = FALSE, # return.data.table = FALSE); # med.events.ATC <- event_durations$event_durations[ !is.na(event_durations$event_durations$DURATION) & # event_durations$event_durations$DURATION > 0, # c("ID", "DISP.START", "DURATION", "DAILY.DOSE", "ATC.CODE")]; # names(med.events.ATC) <- c("PATIENT_ID", "DATE", "DURATION", "PERDAY", "CATEGORY"); # # Groups from the ATC codes: # sort(unique(med.events.ATC$CATEGORY)); # all the ATC codes in the data # # Level 1: # med.events.ATC$CATEGORY_L1 <- vapply(substr(med.events.ATC$CATEGORY,1,1), switch, character(1), # "A"="ALIMENTARY TRACT AND METABOLISM", # "B"="BLOOD AND BLOOD FORMING ORGANS", # "J"="ANTIINFECTIVES FOR SYSTEMIC USE", # "R"="RESPIRATORY SYSTEM", # "OTHER"); # # Level 2: # med.events.ATC$CATEGORY_L2 <- vapply(substr(med.events.ATC$CATEGORY,1,3), switch, character(1), # "A02"="DRUGS FOR ACID RELATED DISORDERS", # "A05"="BILE AND LIVER THERAPY", # "A09"="DIGESTIVES, INCL. ENZYMES", # "A10"="DRUGS USED IN DIABETES", # "A11"="VITAMINS", # "A12"="MINERAL SUPPLEMENTS", # "B02"="ANTIHEMORRHAGICS", # "J01"="ANTIBACTERIALS FOR SYSTEMIC USE", # "J02"="ANTIMYCOTICS FOR SYSTEMIC USE", # "R03"="DRUGS FOR OBSTRUCTIVE AIRWAY DISEASES", # "R05"="COUGH AND COLD PREPARATIONS", # "OTHER"); ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # med.groups <- c("Vitamins" = "(CATEGORY_L2 == 'VITAMINS')", # "VitaResp" = "({Vitamins} | CATEGORY_L1 == 'RESPIRATORY SYSTEM')", # "VitaShort" = "({Vitamins} & DURATION <= 30)", # "VitELow" = "(CATEGORY == 'A11HA03' & PERDAY <= 500)", # "VitaComb" = "({VitaShort} | {VitELow})", # "NotVita" = "(!{Vitamins})"); ## ---- echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- knitr::kable(head(med.events.ATC[med.events.ATC$CATEGORY_L2 == 'VITAMINS',], n=5), row.names=FALSE, caption="First 5 events in `med.events.ATC` corresponding to the *Vitamins* medication group."); ## ---- echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- knitr::kable(head(med.events.ATC[med.events.ATC$CATEGORY_L2 == 'VITAMINS' | med.events.ATC$CATEGORY_L1 == 'RESPIRATORY SYSTEM',], n=5), row.names=FALSE, caption="First 5 events in `med.events.ATC` corresponding to the *VitaResp* medication group."); ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- cma1_mg <- CMA1(data=med.events.ATC, ID.colname="PATIENT_ID", event.date.colname="DATE", event.duration.colname="DURATION", event.daily.dose.colname="PERDAY", medication.class.colname="CATEGORY", medication.groups=med.groups, followup.window.start=0, observation.window.start=0, observation.window.duration=365, date.format="%m/%d/%Y"); cma1_mg; # print it ## ----echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- getMGs(cma1_mg)$def; ## ----echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- head(getMGs(cma1_mg)$obs, n=10); ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- getCMA(cma1_mg); ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- getCMA(cma1_mg, flatten.medication.groups=TRUE); ## ----echo=TRUE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, fig.show='hold', fig.cap = "**Figure 15.** CMA 1 with medication groups.", fig.height=9, fig.width=9, out.width="100%"---- plot(cma1_mg, #medication.groups.to.plot=c("VitaResp", "VitaShort", "VitaComb"), patients.to.plot=1:3, show.legend=FALSE); ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # cma0_types <- CMA0(data=med.events.ATC, # ID.colname="PATIENT_ID", # event.date.colname="DATE", # event.duration.colname="DURATION", # event.daily.dose.colname="PERDAY", # medication.class.colname="CATEGORY", # medication.groups="CATEGORY_L1", # #flatten.medication.groups=TRUE, # #followup.window.start.per.medication.group=TRUE, # followup.window.start=0, # observation.window.start=0, # observation.window.duration=365, # date.format="%m/%d/%Y"); ## ----echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- tmp <- sort(unique(med.events.ATC$CATEGORY_L1)); cat(paste0("c(", paste0('"',tmp,'"',' = "(CATEGORY_L1 == \'',tmp,'\')"',collapse=",\n "), ");")); ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # library(dplyr); # # # Compute, then get the CMA, change it and print it: # x <- med.events %>% # use med.events # filter(PATIENT_ID %in% c(1,2,3)) %>% # first 3 patients # CMA9(ID.colname="PATIENT_ID", # compute CMA9 # event.date.colname="DATE", # event.duration.colname="DURATION", # event.daily.dose.colname="PERDAY", # medication.class.colname="CATEGORY", # followup.window.start=230, # followup.window.duration=705, # observation.window.start=41, # observation.window.duration=100, # date.format="%m/%d/%Y") %>% # getCMA() %>% # get the CMA estimates # mutate(CMA=sprintf("%.1f%%",100*CMA)); # make them percents # print(x); # print it # # # Plot some CMAs: # med.events %>% # use med.events # filter(PATIENT_ID %in% c(1,2,3)) %>% # first 3 patients # CMA_sliding_window(CMA.to.apply="CMA7", # sliding windows CMA7 # ID.colname="PATIENT_ID", # event.date.colname="DATE", # event.duration.colname="DURATION", # event.daily.dose.colname="PERDAY", # medication.class.colname="CATEGORY", # followup.window.start=230, # followup.window.duration=705, # observation.window.start=41, # observation.window.duration=100, # date.format="%m/%d/%Y") %>% # plot(align.all.patients=TRUE, show.legend=TRUE); # plot it ## ----echo=TRUE, fig.show='hold', fig.cap = "**Figure 16.** Modifying an `AdhereR` plot is easy using the `get.plotted.events()` function.", fig.height=8, fig.width=8, out.width="100%"---- # Plot CMA7 for patients 5 and 8: cma7 <- CMA7(data=med.events, ID.colname="PATIENT_ID", event.date.colname="DATE", event.duration.colname="DURATION", event.daily.dose.colname="PERDAY", medication.class.colname="CATEGORY", followup.window.start=30, observation.window.start=30, observation.window.duration=365, date.format="%m/%d/%Y" ); plot(cma7, patients.to.plot=c(5,8), show.legend=TRUE); # good plot after an error plot # Access the plotting info: pevs <- get.plotted.events(); # get the plotted events with their plotting info # Let's add a vertical line for patient 8 between the medication change: # Find the event where the medication changes: i <- which(pevs$PATIENT_ID == "8" & pevs$CATEGORY != c(pevs$CATEGORY[-1], pevs$CATEGORY[nrow(pevs)])); # Half-way between the events where medication changes: x <- (pevs$.X.END[i] + pevs$.X.START[i+1])/2; # Draw the line: segments(x, pevs$.Y.OW.START[i], x, pevs$.Y.OW.END[i], col="blue", lty="solid", lwd=3); # Put a star * next to the 4th event of patient 5: # Find the event: i <- which(pevs$PATIENT_ID == "5")[4]; # Plot the star: text(pevs$.X.START[i]-strwidth("* "), pevs$.Y.START[i], "*", cex=3.0, col="darkgreen"); # Add some random text over the figure: text((pevs$.X.FUW.START[1] + pevs$.X.FUW.END[1])/2, # X center of patient 5's FUW (pevs$.Y.FUW.START[nrow(pevs)] + pevs$.Y.FUW.END[nrow(pevs)])/2, # Y center of 8's FUW "Change with care!!!", srt=45, cex=1.5, col="darkred") ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # cmaW3 <- CMA_sliding_window(CMA="CMA1", # data=med.events, # ID.colname="PATIENT_ID", # event.date.colname="DATE", # event.duration.colname="DURATION", # event.daily.dose.colname="PERDAY", # medication.class.colname="CATEGORY", # carry.only.for.same.medication=FALSE, # consider.dosage.change=FALSE, # sliding.window.duration=30, # sliding.window.step.duration=30, # parallel.backend="snow", # make clear we want to use snow # parallel.threads=c(rep( # list(list(host="user@workhorse", # host (and user) # rscript="/usr/local/bin/Rscript", # Rscript location # snowlib="/usr/local/lib64/R/library/") # snow package location # ), # 2))) # two remote threads